Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2003-68
Ottawa, 23 December 2003
The Commission announces that it has received applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on a satellite audio distribution undertaking for direct reception by subscribers. The Commission hereby calls for applications from other parties wishing to seek authority to carry on such an undertaking, or some other form of multi-channel subscription radio programming undertaking.
Persons interested in submitting such an application are required to file a letter of intent no later than 16 January 2004, followed by a formal application to the Commission to be filed by no later than 16 February 2004, and to submit all necessary technical documentation to the Department of Industry by the same date.
It should be noted that, in making this call, the Commission has not reached any conclusion with respect to the viability of such a service, nor should it be construed that the Commission will, by virtue of having called for applications, authorize such a service at this time.
Applicants will be required to provide evidence giving clear indication that there is a demand and a market for the proposed service. Without restricting the scope of the issues to be considered, the following should be addressed:
1. The contribution that the proposed service will make to achieving the objectives established in the Broadcasting Act, in particular, with respect to the production and presentation of programming that makes maximum use of Canadian creative and other resources.
2. The proposed expenditures and the means by which the applicant will promote the development of Canadian talent.
3. The manner in which the applicant intends to add to the diversity of the Canadian broadcasting system through its programming, and to reflect Canada's cultural diversity and linguistic duality.
4. An analysis of the markets involved and potential audiences as well as advertising revenues, if applicable, taking into account the results of any survey undertaken supporting the estimates, as well as the impact on advertising revenues of existing radio stations.
5. Clear evidence of the financial viability of the investors involved to undertake the project and to fulfil their business plan. For the convenience of applicants, the Commission has available upon request a document entitled "Documentation Required by the Commission to Support the Availability of an Applicant's Proposed Financing."
The Commission also reminds applicants that they should take into consideration the eligibility requirements set out in the Consolidated Regulations of Canada, 1978, Chapter 367 (Eligible Canadian Corporations) and in P.C. 1985-2108 dated 27 June 1985 (Ineligibility to hold broadcasting licences).
The Commission will announce at a later date the time and place of the public hearing where applications received pursuant to this public notice will be considered and the places where such applications may be examined by the public.
A resume of each application will also be published in newspapers of general circulation within the area to be served.
The public will be given the opportunity to comment on any application by submitting written intervention(s) to the undersigned and by serving a true copy of the intervention(s) on the applicant(s) at least twenty (20) days before the date of the hearing.
This document is available in alternative format upon request and may also be examined at the following Internet site: http://www.crtc.gc.ca
Secretary General