Telecom Order CRTC 2003-62
Ottawa, 4 February 2003
Cochrane Public Utilities Commission
Reference: Tariff Notice 38
Call management service promotion
The Commission received an application by Cochrane Public Utilities Commission (Cochrane), dated 18 December 2002, to revise General Tariff section 490, Miscellaneous Equipment, in order to introduce item 18, Beat the Winter Blues Promotion.
In its application, Cochrane proposed to offer Beat the Winter Blues Promotion from 1 February to 28 February 2003 where customers that sign up to any call management service (CMS) package will have the administration fee waived and be entered into a draw for a free telephone set.
In its application, Cochrane also proposed to modify its CMS packages as follows:
· CMS Package 1 will include voice mail, 1 CMS feature and 1 custom calling feature (CCF) at the residential rate of $10.50 and the business rate of $14.50.
· CMS Package 2 will include voice mail, 2 CMS features and 2 CCF at the residential rate of $17.00 and the business rate of $24.00.
· CMS Package 3 will include 2 CMS features and 2 CCF at the residential rate of $10.50 and the business rate of $14.00.
· CMS Package 4 will include 1 CMS feature and 1 CCF at the residential rate of $6.00 and the business rate of $7.00.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission approves Cochrane's application.
Cochrane is to issue revised tariff pages forthwith reflecting this decision effective on the date of issuance.
Secretary General
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