Telecom Order CRTC 2003-526
Ottawa, 23 December 2003
TELUS Communications Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notice 97
Customer-specific minimum revenue commitment arrangement
The Commission received an application by TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), dated 10 July 2003, to revise its Special Facilities Tariff in order to introduce item 217, Customer-Specific Minimum Revenue Commitment Arrangement - Specific Customer Only, proposing a bundle of tariffed and non-tariffed services. TCI submitted that this bundled service satisfied the imputation test applicable to a Type II Customer-specific arrangement (CSA) as contemplated by Bundling framework developed for customer-specific arrangements, Order CRTC 2000-425, 19 May 2000 (Order 2000-425).
The Commission received no comments with respect to TCI's application.
The Commission finds that the proposed bundled service is a CSA within the meaning of Order 2000-425 and that it satisfies the conditions, including the imputation test, in respect of Type II CSAs. However, the Commission finds that minor wording changes to the tariff pages as filed are required.
Accordingly, the Commission approvesTCI's application, effective the date of this order,with the following changes:
- Delete the proposed service title and replace it with "Customer-Specific Minimum Revenue Commitment Arrangement".
- Delete "forborne" from the text in items 217.1.3 and 217.3.3.
- Delete all references in the proposed tariff pages to specific sections of the Customer-specific Agreement (the contract between TCI and the customer). Example of such references are found in item 217.2.3, item 217.2.4, item 217.2.5 and item 217.3.1 - Note 1 of the proposed tariff pages.
- Insert the date of this order in item 217.3.5 - Note 3.
Revised tariff pages, consistent with the above changes, are to be filed on the public record within two business days of this order.
Secretary General
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