Telecom Order CRTC 2003-525
Ottawa, 23 December 2003
Canadian Alliance of Publicly-Owned Telecommunications Systems
Reference: Tariff Notice 17
Final 2001 and interim 2002 Network Access Tariffs
In this order, the Commission approves the Canadian Alliance of Publicly-Owned Telecommunications Systems (CAPTS) member companies' final 2001 Network Access Tariffs (NAT). The Commission also approves CAPTS member companies' interim 2002 NAT and caps the total compensation amount for the 2002 NAT at the final 2001 approved level.
The Commission received an application dated 5 November 2003 with respect to the 2001 final Network Access Tariffs (NAT) from the Canadian Alliance of Publicly-Owned Telecommunications Systems (CAPTS) on behalf of the following members: Bruce Municipal Telephone System (BMTS), Dryden Municipal Telephone System (Dryden MTS), Kenora Municipal Telephone System (KMTS) and Thunder Bay Telephone.
CAPTS proposed the following final 2001 costs based on 2001 Phase III actual results and also proposed that the tariffs be made interim for 2002.
2001 network access costs
Number of circuits
2001 proposed
NAT rates
Dryden MTS
Thunder Bay Telephone
The Commission received comments from Bell Canada on 4 December 2003.
Bell Canada stated that it was prepared to pay the CAPTS member companies' final NAT as filed in Tariff Notice 17 if approved by the Commission.
In Regulatory framework for the small incumbent telephone companies, Decision CRTC 2001-756, 14 December 2001 (Decision 2001-756), the Commission determined that it would undertake a follow-up consultative proceeding to determine, among other things, a final methodology for cost recovery and allocation of network access costs for the year 2002 and beyond.
Also in Decision 2001-756, the Commission determined that each company's network access costs would be frozen at approved 2001 levels, subject to any one-time adjustments for 2001 that would be removed in 2002. As well, the Commission determined that, effective 1 January 2002, the interim 2002 NAT rates of the small incumbent local exchange carriers would be the 2001 approved NAT rates.
The Commission approves CAPTS member companies' proposed final 2001 NAT as filed. The Commission also approves CAPTS member companies' interim 2002 NAT and caps the total network access costs for 2002 at the 2001 final approved levels.
The Commission notes that final determination for 2002 network access costs will be addressed in the consultative process mandated by the Commission in Decision 2001-756.
Secretary General
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