Telecom Order CRTC 2003-510
Ottawa, 15 December 2003
Northwestel Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notices 796 and 796A
Non-material changes to tariffs
The Commission received an application by Northwestel Inc. (Northwestel), dated 26 September 2003 and amended on 27 October 2003, proposing revisions to various items in its General Tariff, Message Toll Service Tariff, Private Wire Service Tariff, Mobile Telephone Service Tariff, Base Rate Area Tariff, Special Services Tariff and Carrier Access Tariff.
In its application, Northwestel proposed the following tariff revisions:
- the withdrawal of tariffs for older Private Branch Exchange (PBX) Services and Key Telephone Systems which have been either manufacture discontinued or have been replaced by newer or alternative services;
- the removal of certain tariff components related to PBX equipment for which there currently are no customers, given the age and limited functionality of the equipment and the lack of customer demand;
- the removal of the Summit Lake British Columbia (B.C.) exchange from the General Tariff and from the Mobile Telephone Service Tariff as this exchange had previously been removed from the list of switch upgrades proposed in the service improvement plan due to the small number of customers. The company deemed it feasible to provide service from the Fort Nelson B.C. exchange; and
- minor corrections related to the duplication and clarification of place names along with wording clarifications and corrections of typographical errors.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission notes that these revisions will have no material impact on customers or revenues, as service will continue to be offered to current customers and maintenance contracts will be honoured.
The Commission notes that minor wording changes are required to the tariff pages to clarify further that the services affected by the withdrawal of tariffs will no longer be available to new customers, and moves or rearrangements will no longer be carried out for existing customers.
The Commission directs that the proposed tariff revisions be modified to replace every occurrence of the sentence "This item is grandfathered and will not be available to new customers, moves or rearrangements" with the following:
This item is grandfathered and will no longer be available to new customers. In addition, moves or rearrangements will no longer be carried out for existing customers.
In light of the above, the Commission approves with changes Northwestel's application. The revisions take effect as of the date of this order.
Secretary General
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