Telecom Order CRTC 2003-509
Ottawa, 15 December 2003
Northwestel Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notices 791, 791A and 791B
Prepaid Service
The Commission received an application by Northwestel Inc. (Northwestel), dated 15 July 2003, and amended on 30 July 2003 and 27 October 2003, to revise Message Toll Service - Special Two-Point Services item 313, Prepaid Service - Flat Rate Per Minute Card, to offer two cards with distinct rates.
Northwestel proposed that one card consist of replacing the rate associated with item 313, of $0.32 per minute, with a $0.70 per call connection fee plus a $0.16 per minute rate. Northwestel proposed that a second card consist of the migration of item 314, Prepaid Service - Connection Fee Plus Rate per Minute card, to item 313, with the retention of the current $0.75 connection fee and the $0.15 per minute rate. The company proposed that the prepaid cards be made available in denominations equal to or greater than $5.00.
The Commission approved with changes, on an interim basis, the ex parte application related to Tariff Notices 791 and 791A in Telecom Order CRTC 2003-331, 14 August 2003.
In Tariff Notice 791B, Northwestel proposed changes to the Terms and Conditions to clarify the wording regarding the expiry date of the personal identification number (PIN) and the supply of cards to distributors.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission notes that the proposed section 2.4 of item 313, related to the supply of cards to distributors, states that distributors will be supplied with a card identified in section 3 (Rates) based on geographic location. The Commission considers that section 2.4 is not a relevant item to have in the tariff as it pertains to the company's marketing strategy.
In light of the above, the Commission approves on a final basis Northwestel's application with the exception of section 2.4 of item 313, which the company is directed to delete. The revisions take effect as of the date of this order.
Secretary General
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