Telecom Order CRTC 2003-501
Ottawa, 9 December 2003
Dryden Municipal Telephone System
Reference: Tariff Notices 22 and 22A
Basic Listing Interexchange File Service
The Commission received an application by Dryden Municipal Telephone System (Dryden MTS), dated 14 October 2003 and amended on 3 November 2003, to add item 4, Basic Listing Interexchange File Service, to section 85 of its General Tariff in order to introduce a machine-readable file containing non-confidential customer listing information for Dryden MTS's customers listed in the company's directory and directory assistance database.
Dryden MTS submitted that the Basic Listing Interexchange File (BLIF) would be provided to local exchange carriers (LECs), independent telephone directory publishers and to alternate operator service providers (AOSPs) at a rate of $0.15 per listing (per Master file, per listing and per Update file, per listing) for residential, business and government listings.
Dryden MTS also filed a proposed Standard Licensing Agreement (the "Agreement") between Dryden MTS and the LECs, the independent telephone directory publisher or the AOSP, establishing the terms and conditions associated with the provision of BLIF.
The proposed Agreement sets out the terms and conditions governing the provision of information to alternate operator service to AOSPs for the sole purpose of providing directory assistance.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission approves Dryden MTS's application. The revisions take effect as of the date of this order.
Dryden MTS is to issue revised tariff pages forthwith to reflect these changes.
Secretary General
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