Telecom Order CRTC 2003-433
Ottawa, 28 October 2003
Bell West Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notices 8, 8A and 8B
Ex parte application
The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application1byBell West Inc. (Bell West), dated 25 September 2003 and amended on 3 October 2003 and 10 October 2003, to introduce General Tariff item 700.01, subject to the following modifications to the proposed tariff pages:
- Amend tariff items 1.i) 4) and 1.i) 5) to indicate that if any service is cancelled prior to the end of the contract period, the company shall, at the time of cancellation of service, file for Commission approval revised proposed tariff pages, supported by a revised imputation test, reflecting the cancellation of the service.
- With respect to the calculation of the Preferred Telecommunication Provider Threshold (PTPT) commitment, amend Tariff item 1.d) to explicitly exclude customer expenditures incurred for company services that are not provided pursuant to the customer-specific arrangement that is the subject of this Tariff item.
- With respect to services the specifications for which have not yet been determined, amend the tariff pages to indicate that such services can only be provided subject to Commission approval.
- Amend the tariff pages by identifying the locations for location-specific rates.
Revised tariff pages, consistent with the above changes, are to be filed on the public record within two business days of this order.
In order that the application may be available for public examination consistent with the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure (the Rules), the company shall file with the Commission, within two business days of the date of this order, a hard copy of the application for the public examination room at the Commission's headquarters in Gatineau, and an electronic version for the Commission's web site. Among other things, the Rules allow intervenors to comment, within 30 days, on tariff applications that have been placed on the public record.
The revisions take effect as of the date of this order.
1 An ex parte application, is an application that has been filed with the Commission without notice to the public and, as such, is not placed on the public record when initially filed. An ex parte decision is one in which the Commission disposes of an application solely on the basis of the applicant's submissions. Subsection 61(3) of the Telecommunications Act allows the Commission to make an ex parte decision where it considers that the circumstances of the case justify it. In Review of regulatory framework, Telecom Decision CRTC 94-19, 16 September 1994, the Commission set out several considerations to be balanced in any determination to permit ex parte tariff filings, including the public interest in the effective operation of the competitive marketplace and the public interest in an open regulatory process.
Secretary General
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