Telecom Order CRTC 2003-396
Ottawa, 30 September 2003
TELUS Communications Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notice 105
Removal of restriction on remote call forwarding from 900 service
The Commission received an application by TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), dated 29 May 2003 to revise item 521 of its General Tariff, 900 Service, in order to:
· remove the existing restriction on the provisioning of Remote Call Forwarding
(RCF) in conjunction with 900 Service in Alberta and British Columbia; and
· include a reference to TCI's existing RCF tariffs approved by the Commission.
TCI also proposed certain non-material changes that were omitted when TCI migrated its existing item 521 from the Stentor National Services Tariff, pursuant to Telecom Order CRTC 2003-87.
By letter dated 2 June 2003, questions were posed to TCI regarding its application. TCI provided responses by letter dated 27 June 2003.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
Commission analysis and determination
Under TCI's existing General Tariff, a 900 Service program number cannot be forwarded to other regions, such as the United States, through the use of RCF service.
In response to Interrogatory TCI(CRTC)12June03-02, TCI indicated that the concerns over network capacity and network inefficiencies that led to the RCF restriction in the former Stentor member companies' service offerings were no longer relevant.
TCI further maintained that its existing Tariff did not restrict the provision of other service options which offer functionality equivalent to that provided by RCF, such as private lines. TCI submitted that this situation renders meaningless and impractical the restriction on the provisioning of RCF.
The Commission notes that the use of private lines and other non-RCF service options currently allows 900 service providers to offer functionality equivalent to that provided by RCF. The Commission further notes that the restriction on the use of RCF in conjunction with 900 service was implemented because of concerns relating to network capacity and network efficiencies that are no longer relevant.
Accordingly, the Commission considers that TCI's request that the RCF restriction be removed is reasonable.
In light of the above, the Commission approves TCI's application.
The Commission notes that TCI indicated that it had inadvertently provisioned RCF in conjunction with 900 service to four program providers.
The Commission reminds TCI to ensure that the services it offers are in conformity with tariffs approved by the Commission at all times.
Secretary General
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