Telecom Order CRTC 2003-363
Ottawa, 5 September 2003
Final 2002 rates for Microlink service, Megalink service and Digital Switched service for Aliant Telecom Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notices 36 and 36A
In this order, the Commission approves on a final basis, Aliant Telecom Inc.'s proposed rates for Microlink service, Megalink service and Digital Switched service effective 1 June 2002.
The Commission received updated cost studies and imputation test results from Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom), dated 2 May 2003 and 16 May 2003, in support of the rates it had proposed as part of its 2002 annual price cap filling for Microlink service, Megalink service and Digital Switched service (DSS). Aliant Telecom noted that it was filing this information pursuant to the Commission's directives in 2002 Annual price cap filing, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-14, 18 March 2003 (Decision 2003-14).
Aliant Telecom filed with the Commission band-specific imputation test results for Microlink service but did not provide band-specific imputation test results for Megalink service or DSS. Aliant Telecom filed province-specific average Phase II costs for the non-essential service components of Megalink service and DSS. Aliant Telecom submitted that the access component of Megalink service and DSS was provided pursuant to the rates and terms for Digital Network Access service contained in Bell Canada's National Services Tariff and accordingly was not included in the imputation test results for Megalink service and DSS.
In Decision 2003-14, the Commission noted that the cost studies relied on by Aliant Telecom to support the proposed rates for Microlink service, Megalink service and DSS were filed prior to the requirement for band-specific imputation tests. In Decision 2003-14, the Commission approved, on an interim basis, the proposed rates for Microlink service, Megalink service and DSS and directed Aliant Telecom to file updated cost studies and imputation test results on a band-specific basis for these services.
The Commission notes that the imputation test requires that, for each service offered by an incumbent local exchange carrier, the price be sufficient to recover the costs, at tariffed rates, for essential facilities and the Phase II costs for other service components.
The Commission considers that Aliant Telecom's exclusion of the access component of Megalink service and DSS from the imputation test results is appropriate since the service is provided pursuant to the rates and terms contained in Bell Canada's National Services Tariff. The Commission further considers that Aliant Telecom's use of province-specific average Phase II costs for the other service components of Megalink service and DSS is appropriate as the costs would not be expected to vary significantly on a band-specific basis, once the access component is excluded.
The Commission finds that the proposed rates for Microlink service, Megalink service and DSS pass the imputation test.
Accordingly, the Commission approves on a final basis, effective 1 June 2002, the proposed rates for Microlink service, Megalink service and DSS for Aliant Telecom.
Secretary General
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