Telecom Order CRTC 2003-337
Ottawa, 20 August 2003
Northwestel Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notice 786
Centrex Service
The Commission received an application by Northwestel Inc. (Northwestel), dated 24 March 2003, to revise General Tariff item 807, Centrex II Service, in order to
re-introduce a fixed price structure for its large (greater than 100 lines) Centrex customers and to remove references to specific communities where Centrex is available and state the service is offered where facilities are available.
Northwestel submitted that the revenue impact to the company and the impact on individual customers is negligible as the proposed rates are based on the average rates previously approved by the Commission. Northwestel stated that customers have been notified of this proposal.
Northwestel also proposed to introduce Music on Hold service for its small Centrex customers (less than 100 lines). This service will provide participating Centrex customers with a music source when their callers are put on hold at a monthly rate of $8.95 and $19.95 for customers with lines between 2-50 and 51-100 respectively. The company proposed a service charge of $48.75 which it further proposed to be waived during an initial three-month promotion in order to generate demand.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission notes that the proposed tariff item 807 3.(a) states that Centrex II Service is offered to customers subject to the availability of suitable facilities and at the discretion of the company. The Commission considers that the proposed tariff
item 807 3.(a) provides too much discretion to the company. The Commission directs Northwestel to change item 807 3.(a) to state that Centrex II Service is offered at the discretion of the company subject to the availability of suitable facilities.
The Commission notes that item 807 7.(b) indicates that the one-time Customer group engineering service charge for each customer group of 101 lines or more is based on the actual time and charges incurred by the company. The Commission notes that the labour rates associated with the actual time and charges are provided in item 305 C of the company's tariffs. Accordingly, the Commission directs Northwestel to provide a reference in tariff item 807 7.(b) to the labour rates contained in item 305 C.
In light of the above, the Commission approves with changes Northwestel's application. The revisions take effect as of the date of this order.
Secretary General
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