Telecom Order CRTC 2003-324
Ottawa, 8 August 2003
Bell Canada
Reference: Tariff Notice 6669
Serial digital video local channel service
The Commission received an application by Bell Canada, dated 19 April 2002, proposing to add item 4622, Serial Digital Video Local Channel Service, to its General Tariff.
Bell Canada proposed to centralize in one item of its tariff, the full-time, occasional and seasonal use of local broadcast digital channels. The company proposed to transfer its existing full-time and seasonal D-1 services, including the associated terms, conditions and rates, from tariff item 4621 to the proposed new item 4622, and to change the name of the D-1 service to Serial Digital Interface (SDI).
Bell Canada also proposed to decrease the contracted monthly rates for full-time SDI services and increase the contracted monthly rates for seasonal SDI services. The company also proposed to decrease service charges for installation of the SDI services. Furthermore, Bell Canada proposed to introduce occasional uni-directional SDI service, offering a daily, weekly and monthly rate structure, and to withdraw D-1/D-3 service, from item 4621. The company submitted that there were no customers for the D-1/D-3 service.
Bell Canada filed an imputation test in support of the proposed rate decreases.
In a letter dated 17 July 2002, Bell Canada submitted that the proposed rate changes would result in a net decrease in revenues and accordingly Tariff Notice 6669 should not raise concerns with respect to the price cap index for other capped services.
The Commission received no comments with respect to this application.
The Commission notes that at the time of the filing, the video channels in item 4621 were categorized as uncapped services. However, these services were moved to the other capped services basket in Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002.
The Commission notes that all services in the new tariff item 4622 are to be classified as other capped services and any approved rate changes are to be reflected in the company's price cap indices.
The Commission considers that this application does not raise any concerns regarding the price cap index for other capped services. Accordingly, the Commission approves Bell Canada's application. The revisions take effect as of the date of this order.
Secretary General
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