Telecom Order CRTC 2003-271
Ottawa, 8 July 2003
GT Group Telecom Services Corp. - Access to the multi-line inside wire at Memorial University of Newfoundland
Reference: 8644-G7-200306763
The Commission received an application dated 27 May 2003 by GT Group Telecom Services Corp. (Group Telecom) filed pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure requesting expedited interim relief to provide access to the existing wiring at Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN). In its application, Group Telecom also requested a final order for access to the wiring. The wiring in question is the copper wiring controlled by Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom) used to provide voice services to some 32 buildings at MUN.
The Commission notes that Group Telecom has signed a Master Services Agreement with MUN to provide Centrex voice services. The Commission also notes that Group Telecom was not able to negotiate an arrangement with Aliant Telecom acceptable to it for use of the wiring at MUN.
In its application, Group Telecom requested that the wiring be provided at no charge as proposed by Bell Canada in the proceeding initiated by Seeking public input on access to multi-dwelling units, in-building wiring and riser space, Public Notice CRTC 2000-124, 25 August 2000, or, in the alternative, at a rate of $1 per channel per month, the interim rate established by the Commission in its 5 June 2000 decision letter on the application of Eastlink Telephone and Norigen Communications Inc.
By letter dated 6 June 2003, Aliant Telecom offered, as an interim arrangement, to make its wiring at MUN available at an interim rate of $1 per channel per month until a final Commission determination is made in this proceeding. By letter dated 10 June 2003, Group Telecom accepted the interim arrangement.
In order to facilitate the orderly connection by Group Telecom to serve MUN using existing wiring, the Commission considers the interim arrangement offered by Aliant Telecom and accepted by Group Telecom to be appropriate pending a detailed review of the record.
The Commission approves on an interim basis the rate of $1 per channel per month for the lease by Group Telecom of each of Aliant Telecom's in-building wire connections located on the MUN property.
Aliant Telecom is to issue a revised tariff page forthwith to reflect this change. The revisions take effect as of the date of this order.
Secretary General
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