Telecom Order CRTC 2003-261
Ottawa, 30 June 2003
Amtelecom Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notice 49
Residential and business primary exchange services
The Commission received an application by Amtelecom Inc. (Amtelecom), dated 28 March 2003, to revise General Tariff section 100, Exchange Service, in order to increase the monthly rates as follows:
- residential individual line service from $25.77 to $26.06;
- residential two-party line service from $21.56 to $21.80;
- residential four-party line service from $18.99 to $19.20;
- Manitoulin residential individual line service from $27.46 to $27.77;
- Manitoulin residential two-party line service from $23.35 to $23.61;
- Manitoulin residential four-party line service from $18.99 to $19.20;
- business individual line service from $52.05 to $52.64;
- business two-party line service from $40.04 to $40.49; and
- business four-party line service from $33.88 to $34.26.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
In Regulatory framework for the small incumbent telephone companies, Decision CRTC 2001-756, 14 December 2001 (Decision 2001-756), the Commission grouped services into four separate service baskets each with their own pricing constraints. The Commission assigned residential primary exchange service (PES) to the first service basket and business PES, including both single and multi-line, to the second service basket.
The Commission determined, in Decision 2001-756, that in the absence of any exogenous factors the rates for residential and business PES would be permitted to increase each year by no more than inflation. The Commission noted however, that it expected that rate increases on any individual rate element in these two baskets of services should generally be proposed once in a 12-month period.
The Commission notes that Amtelecom proposed an effective date of 1 May 2003 for its proposed rate increases.
The Commission further notes that in Residential and business primary exchange services, Telecom Order CRTC 2002-336, 15 August 2002, it approved an application by Amtelecom to increase the monthly rates for residential and business PES effective the date of the order.
Accordingly, the Commission determines that it would not be appropriate to approve a further rate increase to the above services with an effective date prior to 15 August 2003.
In light of the above, the Commission approves Amtelecom's application. The revisions take effect as of 15 August 2003.
Amtelecom is to issue revised tariff pages forthwith to reflect these changes.
Secretary General
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