Telecom Order CRTC 2003-258
Ottawa, 27 June 2003
NorthernTel Limited Partnership
Reference: Tariff Notice 188
Transfer of responsibility for maintenance and repair of existing inside wire and new installations, additions, moves and rearrangements of same to subscribers
The Commission received an application by NorthernTel Limited Partnership (NorthernTel), dated 10 March 2003, to modify items, under sections N80, N90, N100, N110, N130 and N850 of its General Tariff in order to transfer responsibility for maintenance and repair of existing inside wire and new installations, additions, moves and rearrangements of same to subscribers. Ownership of existing inside wire and all new installations will remain with NorthernTel until the proposed effective date of 10 November 2003 when ownership will be transferred to the respective customers.
NorthernTel proposed rates to offer installation, maintenance and repair on single-line inside wire.
In Telecom Order CRTC 94-1143, 30 September 1994 (Order 94-1143), the Commission approved the transfer of responsibility for inside wiring from BC TEL to its single line customers with jacks such that customers were given the responsibility for installation, moves, repair and maintenance of inside wiring. The Commission noted that transferring responsibility for inside wiring to customers would permit competitive entry into markets for inside wire installation and repair service.
In Order 94-1143, the Commission also determined that the implementation of new rates associated with inside wiring should be postponed for six months in order to provide customers the opportunity to obtain inside wiring installation at current rates while becoming informed of the new regime.
NorthernTel indicated that it would undertake an extensive communications program to ensure that customers are aware of any changes, including the development of a billing insert. NorthernTel also indicated that it would develop and make available a wiring guide booklet providing specifications and instructions to enable customers to conduct their own installation, maintenance and repair.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
In Regulatory framework for the small incumbent telephone companies, Decision CRTC 2001-756, 14 December 2001 (Decision 2001-756), the Commission grouped services into four separate service baskets each with their own pricing constraints. The Commission assigned Installation, Maintenance, Move, Rearrangement and Repair service to the fourth service basket.
In Decision 2001-756, the Commission also determined that the rates for services in the fourth service basket would generally be permitted to increase up to any already approved rate for the same service.
The Commission finds that the proposed rates were previously approved by the Commission for the same services provided by other companies and, therefore, are in accordance with Decision 2001-756.
The Commission approves NorthernTel's application. The revisions take effect as of 27 December 2003.
The Commission directs that the issuance of the wiring guide and the customer notification should take place prior to 27 August 2003.
The Commission also directs NorthernTel, as part of its communication program, to inform customers that (a) the company will make the wiring guide available upon request, (b) NorthernTel will install, extend, move or repair inside wire, at the tariffed rates in effect as of the date of this order, for subscribers who so request prior to 27December 2003, even if the work is not completed until a later date, and (c) effective 27 December 2003, subscribers will be responsible for and have authority over inside wiring, whether installed by NorthernTel, a landlord or the subscriber, and may either do any installation or repair work themselves or have it performed by NorthernTel or a contractor.
NorthernTel is to issue revised tariff pages forthwith to reflect these changes.
Secretary General
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