Telecom Order CRTC 2003-252
Ottawa, 19 June 2003
People's Telephone Company of Forest Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notice 45
Seasonal service options
The Commission received an application by People's Telephone Company of Forest Inc., dated 23 April 2003, to revise item 4.0, Rates schedules for primary exchange (local) service, under section 100 of its General Tariff in order to offer the following three types of seasonal service to residential customers:
- service automatically connected on 1 May and disconnected on 31 October; the telephone number will be held for the customer for the months of disconnection for a rate equal to 60% of the residential private line rate, paid for 12 months; and payment for such service must be made by pre-authorized payments;
- service automatically connected on 1 April and disconnected on 30 November; the telephone number will be held for the customer for the months of disconnection for a rate equal to 75% of the residential private line rate, paid for 12 months; and payment for such service must be made by pre-authorized payments; and
- service automatically connected on 1 March and disconnected on 31 December; the telephone number will be held for the customer for the months of disconnection for a rate equal to 85% of the residential private line rate, paid for 12 months; and payment for such service must be made by pre-authorized payments.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission approves People's Telephone Company of Forest Inc.'s application. The revisions take effect as of 1 July 2003.
People's Telephone Company of Forest Inc. is to issue a revised tariff page forthwith to reflect these changes.
Secretary General
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