Telecom Order CRTC 2003-247
Ottawa, 13 June 2003
TELUS Communications Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notice 100
Operator services arrangement
The Commission received an application by TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), dated 11 April 2003, to revise Special Facilities Tariff item 200, Customer Specific Business Service, in order to revise the scope and rates of an Operator Services arrangement required to meet the business requirements of a single large customer, as follows:
· Revision to the Manual Operator Assistance Service ("MOAS") to set a single charge of $0.0212 per second independent of monthly volumes.
· Revision to MOAS to include the following options associated with verification and/or validation charges:
- verification on all Bill to Third Party Calls and Collect Calls; and
- validation of every Commercial Card Call.
· Revision to Automated Operator Assistance Service by replacing the current charge associated with the processing of Credit Card, Calling Card, Collect and Bill to Third Party calls for the purpose of validation and verification with the following charges:
- verification of Collect and Bill to Third Party calls that are processed by the Automated Alternate Billing System ("AABS");
- access to the Company's AABS by a customer for Collect and Bill to Third calls;
- validation for Calling Card Calls; and
- validation for Commercial Card Calls.
TCI argued that the special facilities service contained in item 200, along with the revisions proposed in its application met the conditions established by the Commission for customer-specific tariffs in the operator services market. TCI submitted that the proposed revised special facilities tariff: passed the imputation test; appealed to a limited number of customers and therefore there was not sufficient demand to offer it through the General Tariff; would be made generally available to all qualifying customers and therefore concerns about unjust discrimination should not be an issue; and would be permitted for resale.
In its application, TCI also proposed to amend the Definitive Agreement For National Operator Services in order to reflect the proposed tariff revisions and to change certain agreement provisions regarding the suspension of service and verification and/or validation of Collect, Bill to Third, Calling Card and Commercial Card calls.
TCI further proposed to withdraw Special Facilities Tariff item 207, Customer Specific Business Service - (Alberta Only), since the individual customer has terminated its agreement with the company.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission notes that the TCI application meets the imputation test, appeals to a limited number of customers, is available to all qualifying customers and may be resold.
The Commission approves TCI's application. The revisions take effect as of the date of this order.
Secretary General
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