Telecom Order CRTC 2003-199
Ottawa, 22 May 2003
TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notice 347
Resale and sharing
The Commission received an application by TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. (TELUS Québec), dated 16 April 2003, to revise section 1.03, Resale and Sharing, of its General Tariff in order to reflect the Commission's modifications to the affiliate rule in Regulatory safeguards with respect to incumbent affiliates, bundling by Bell Canada and related matters, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-76, 12 December 2002 (Decision 2002-76).
In Decision 2002-76, the Commission determined that it was appropriate to remove the prohibition on the resale of incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) local exchange services by ILEC affiliates who are not Canadian carriers. In place of this prohibition, rules regarding the provision of tariffed services to affiliates were replaced with the following:
The provision of a non-forborne service by an ILEC to an affiliate which the affiliate uses to provide telecommunications services to the public is conditional on the ILEC obtaining prior Commission approval of a tariff which specifies the rates, terms and conditions under which the relevant telecommunications services are provided by the affiliate to the public. Those rates, terms and conditions must be identical to the rates, terms and conditions which would apply if the telecommunications services in question were provided to the public by the ILEC, instead of by the affiliate. If the Commission has forborne from regulating the telecommunications services in question when provided by the ILEC, then the above condition does not apply.
TELUS Québec also proposed to amend item 1.03.02 pursuant to Extending the availability of alternative formats to consumers who are blind, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-13, 8 March 2002. In this decision, the Commission directed that as a condition of offering and providing any telecommunications service to resellers that provide services to end-users, Canadian carriers must include in their applicable tariffs, contracts or other arrangements, a condition requiring that the reseller make available essential information (e.g., information setting out the rates, terms and conditions of the service) in alternative formats.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission approves TELUS Québec's application. The revisions take effect as of the date of this order.
TELUS Québec is to issue revised tariff pages forthwith to reflect these changes.
Secretary General
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