Telecom Order CRTC 2003-195
Ottawa, 16 May 2003
CityTel's PIC/CARE access customer handbook
Reference: 8643-P2-200303826
The Commission received an application by Prince Rupert City Telephones (CityTel), dated 28 February 2003, requesting approval of its Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook (PIC/CARE handbook).
CityTel's PIC/CARE handbook would provide interexchange carriers (IXCs) with information relating to the exchange of PIC/CARE information between an IXC and a small incumbent telephone company.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission notes that the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Business Process Working Group developed a model PIC/CARE handbook (CISC model) in July 2000 for use by the telecommunications industry as a basis for carriers to develop their own PIC/CARE handbooks. While the Commission finds that the information provided in CityTel's PIC/CARE handbook is generally consistent with the CISC model, the Commission considers that certain provisions and sections of CityTel's PIC/CARE Handbook are incomplete or require modifications.
Accordingly, the Commission approves CityTel's PIC/CARE handbook, subject to the company incorporating the amendments identified below:
· in item 1.8, Handbook Updates, add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph:
CityTel will provide, at no charge, two revised copies of the handbook.
· in item 2.5, Rates and Changes, replace the word "Changes" in the title with the word "Charges";
· amend item 3.3, Subscription Process, as follows:
- in the section entitled Nil Input Notification, delete the first sentence;
- in the section entitled CityTel to AC Naming Convention, provide a description of the second output file;
· in item 3.6, Acquisitions and Mergers, replace the paragraphs with the following:
When one AC acquires a portion or all of the end-customers of another AC, a change in PIC may be required. CityTel accepts merger/acquisition transactions at the WTN level only. The AC must provide written notification to CityTel prior to initiating any PIC/CARE merger transaction(s). The notification must be a legal document signed by an official of each AC.
The acquiring AC is assessed both a Bulk Transfer charge and a variable charge for each end-customer access line as per the rates and charges listed in CityTel's General Tariff (provide the specific reference to the tariff and the item number).
It is the responsibility of the AC to notify the affected end-customers of the change in their PIC selection and any related billing implications within 90 days of the transfer. When the AC adjusts any rates, terms or conditions of the end-customer's service before the conclusion of the 90-day period, the AC must notify the affected end-customer prior to the effective date of the change.
· in item 5.2, Relocating End Customers, replace the paragraph with the following:
An end-customer currently subscribed to a particular AC, who wishes to remain with that AC at a new location, will have its PIC selection "carried over" to their new location if:
· The AC serves the new location; and
· No more than 30 calendar days have elapsed between the disconnection and reconnection dates.
When the end-customer requires service in two separate locations when moving, the new location is considered to be a new installation and the end-customer will be defaulted to (insert default carrier). The end-customer may change its PIC selection by contacting the AC of choice.
· amend item 8.3, Outbound Contact Resulting in a PIC Change, as follows:
- add the following to the end of the bulleted list:
· Electronic order confirmation through the use of a toll-free number;
· Electronic order confirmation via the Internet.
- add the following to the end of the item:
· Electronic order confirmation through the use of a toll-free number
The AC must provide toll-free access to the end-customer for the purpose of accessing an electronic order confirmation system.
In the course of contact with an end-customer, representatives of the AC are permitted to transfer the end-customer directly to the electronic order confirmation system to complete the confirmation.
If the end-customer is not accessing the electronic order confirmation system from the telephone access service on which the PIC is to be changed, then the electronic order confirmation system must include further security measures to verify the end-customer's identity before the confirmation is processed.
Calls to a toll-free number will connect the end-customer to an interactive voice response (IVR) unit (or a touch-tone pad input device or a similar device), which will record the following information: automatic recording of the working telephone number to be subscribed to the PIC (or evidence of further security measures as required to verify end-customer identity), date and time, and PIC to confirm the end-customer's choice of AC. The IVR system must require the end-customer to take some action (e.g., pressing a key on the dial pad) thus positively confirming the service order.
· Electronic order confirmation via the Internet
The AC must use at least one of the following methods of security to ensure privacy and authenticity of information sent between the two parties (AC and end-customer):
- A secure link between the AC and the end-customer;
- A key server, to allow a party to encrypt messages that only a key holder can decrypt;
- A unique password between the AC and the end-customer.
The AC may use another form of "off-line" or "on-line" identification (e.g., toll-free number or end-customer password sent to the billing address) in order to further verify the authenticity of the end-customer and to confirm the end-customer's request.
The Internet order confirmation process must confirm the subscription confirmation information set out below in item 8.4 in the bulleted list and must also include an explicit indication from the end-customers that they are the authorized account-holders for their telephone service.
The AC must appropriately notify its end-customers of the potential for risk in doing business over the Internet, so that end-customers are aware of the need for safeguards on both ends to ensure confidentiality and security.
· in item 9.3, AC Dispute Responsibilities, replace the paragraph with the following:
In order to initiate a dispute through CityTel, the initiating AC shall provide CityTel with, at a minimum:
· in item 12.3, PIC Re-submission Criteria, replace the acronym "IXC" with "AC";
· in item 12.4, PIC Re-submission Process, amend the bulleted list as follows:
- remove the bullet from the first and fourth item in the list; and
- indent the remaining bulleted items.
· amend the Glossary of Terms as follows:
- in the definition for "End-Customer", replace the acronym "<LEC>" with "CityTel"; and
- in the definition for "OBF", replace the acronym "LRCs" with "LECs".
The Commission directs CityTel to issue forthwith a revised PIC/CARE handbook. The company is further directed to provide the Commission with a copy of its revised PIC/CARE handbook for placement in the public examination room in Gatineau.
Secretary General
This document is available in alternative format upon request and may also be examined at the following Internet site: http://www.crtc.gc.ca