Telecom Order CRTC 2003-183
Ottawa, 6 May 2003
TELUS Communications Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notice (TN) 98, former TCI TN 510 and former TCBC TN 4191
Certification process for terminal equipment
The Commission received an application by TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), dated 31 March 2003, pursuant to a Commission staff letter entitled New terminal attachment program requirements, dated 30 December 2002, to implement technical changes to the following items:
- TCI General Tariff items 106, 509 and Carrier Access Tariff item 210;
- Former TCI General Tariff items 110, 135, 245, 335, 410, 455, 485, 625, 666, 706, 707, 709 and Carrier Access Tariff item 416;
- Former TELUS Communications (Edmonton) Inc. General Tariff item 2490; and
- Former TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc. General Tariff items 170, 185, 196, 200, 434, 435, 437 and 446.
In the December 2002 letter, all incumbent carriers were informed that Industry Canada had modified the certification process for terminal equipment and suppliers would self-certify all terminal equipment, and it requested that carriers file revised tariff pages where existing pages were affected by the changes.
In its application, TCI also proposed to correct tariff reference formats, replace obsolete tariff references with currently approved former TCI tariff references and replace obsolete references to the company. The Commission notes that these revisions have no material impact on rates or services provided.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission approves TCI's application. The revisions take effect as of the date of this order.
Secretary General
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