Telecom Order CRTC 2003-154
Ottawa, 16 April 2003
ExaTEL Inc.'s PIC/CARE access customer handbook
Reference: 8643-E30-01/02
The Commission received an application by ExaTEL Inc. (ExaTEL), dated 18 April 2002, amended on 18 December 2002, for approval of its Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook (PIC/CARE handbook). ExaTEL filed its application pursuant to ExaTEL's proposed general tariff, Order CRTC 2001-697, 14 September 2001.
ExaTEL's PIC/CARE handbook would provide interexchange carriers (IXCs) with information relating to the exchange of PIC/CARE information between an IXC and a competitive local exchange carrier.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission notes that the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Business Process Working Group developed a model PIC/CARE handbook (CISC model) in July 2000 for use by the telecommunications industry as a basis for carriers to develop their own PIC/CARE handbooks. While the Commission notes that the information provided in ExaTEL's PIC/CARE handbook is generally consistent with the CISC model, it considers that certain provisions in ExaTEL's PIC/CARE handbook are incomplete or require corrections.
Accordingly, the Commission approves ExaTEL's PIC/CARE handbook, subject to the company incorporating the amendments identified below:
· in item 1.1, Background:
- replace the first paragraph with the following:
In compliance with the following CRTC Decisions:
Competition in the provision of public long distance voice telephone services and related resale and sharing issues, Telecom Decision CRTC 92-12, 12 June 1992;
Trunk-side access by resellers to the public switched telephone network, Telecom Decision CRTC 93-8, 23 July 1993;
Disconnection of equal access service providers and transfer of customer base between equal access services providers, Telecom Decision CRTC 95-5, 24 April 1995;
Unbundled rates to provide equal access, Telecom Decision CRTC 97-6, 10 April 1997;
Local competition, Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8, 1 May 1997; and
Quality of service indicators for use in telephone company regulation, Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, 24 July 1997.
ExaTEL provides Access Customers (ACs) with equal ease of access to local networks for the origination and termination of AC network traffic.
In Telecom Order CRTC 99-379, dated 29 April 1999, the Commission established that the requirement to provide equal access did not extend to resellers of local service. However, it required these resellers to comply with certain consumer safeguards to ensure that, before contracting with the reseller, customers are advised of, and authorize their assignment by a reseller to a particular interexchange service provider. Further, when resellers change interexchange service providers, they must obtain their customers' authorization.
- add the following sentence to the end of the second last paragraph of item 1.1, Background:
Equal Access also provides the end-user with the ability to access the network of other ACs on a per call basis by dialing a 10XXX or a 101XXX access code.
- add the following sentence to the end of the last paragraph of item 1.1, Background:
In this PIC/CARE Customer Access Handbook (Handbook), the processing of PIC orders and the exchange of related data is referred to as PIC/CARE.
· in item 1.5, Handbook Updates, add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph:
ExaTEL will provide, at no charge, two revised copies of the Handbook.
· in item 1.6, Rates and Charges, add the following as the second paragraph:
Rates and charges are applicable to the following PIC processing related activities:
Set-up of each PIC processing account
Changes to CARE profile
Additional copies of the PIC/CARE handbook
Per line PIC processing
Unauthorized PIC change
Request for billing account number detail
Request for verification record
· replace item 2.1, Carrier Identification Codes (CIC), with the following:
In order for an AC to offer Equal Access and PIC processing, it must obtain a Carrier Identification Code (CIC). The assignment and management of CIC Codes is administered by the Canadian Numbering Administrator (CNA). Canadian applicants shall submit all applications for North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA) administered resources directly to the CNA for processing.
For further information, refer to the Carrier Identification Code Assignment Guidelines developed by the Industry Numbering Committee (INC) and the Canadian Adjunct to the INC Carrier Identification Code (CIC) Assignment Guidelines.
· in item 3.7, Acquisitions and Mergers, amend the last paragraph as follows:
- add the following to the end of the sentence:
.within 90 days of the transfer;
- add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph:
When the AC adjusts any rates, terms or conditions of the end-user's service before the conclusion of the 90-day period, the AC must notify the affected end-user prior to the effective date of the change.
· in sections 7 through 13, replace the acronym "IXC" with "AC";
· in item 7.2, Intervals for Switch Affecting PIC Activity, in the second sentence of the first paragraph replace the word "for" with "do";
· replace item 7.8, Quality of Service, with the following:
In Quality of service indicators for use in telephone company regulation, Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, 24 July 1997 and Final standards for quality of service indicators for use in telephone company regulation and other related matters, Decision CRTC 2000-24, 20 January 2000, the Commission established that for Indicator 1.7, One-time activation of PICs for alternate providers of long distance service (APLDS), a standard of 90% or more must be achieved. ExaTEL will measure this quality of service indicator and report to the CRTC as required.
· in item 14.7, LEC Mergers and Acquisitions, add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph:
For more information, see Schedule H, Section B of the Master Agreement for Local Interconnection.
The Commission directs ExaTEL to issue forthwith a revised PIC/CARE handbook. The company is further directed to provide the Commission with a copy of its revised PIC/CARE handbook for placement in the public examination room in Gatineau.
Secretary General
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