Telecom Order CRTC 2003-109
Ottawa, 14 March 2003
Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Reference: Tariff Notice 36
Non-material changes to Tariffs
The Commission received an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel), dated 24 October 2002, to revise a number of items in its General Tariff and Competitor Access Tariff. SaskTel stated that the proposed revisions included non-material changes to correct typographical errors. SaskTel also proposed to add specified interexchange private line (IXPL) routes under item 500.02, Forbearance of Interexchange Private Line Services, of its General Tariff. SaskTel noted that Bell Nexxia Inc. had filed a report with the Commission on 25 September 2002 stating that the routes identified in its report met the requirements for forbearance set out in Follow-up Proceeding to Telecom Decision CRTC 97-20: Establishment of criterion and process for considering further forbearance for High Capacity/DDS interexchange private line services, Telecom Order CRTC 99-434, 12 May 1999.
SaskTel stated that it proposed to correct a typographical error in item 88, Not Sufficient Funds (NSF) Cheques, to reflect the correct NSF charge of $20.00, instead of $10.00, and requested that the Commission ratify the charging of the $20.00 rate prior to the correction being approved. SaskTel also stated that it had consistently charged a rate of $20.00 for NSF cheques since 1 August 1993. SaskTel submitted that the rate was mistakenly and inadvertently published as $10.00 instead of $20.00 when SaskTel came under federal regulation on 30 June 2000.
The Commission received no comments with respect to this application.
The Commission notes that the routes proposed by SaskTel to be added to item 500.02 of its General Tariff are the subject of a separate proceeding. Accordingly, the Commission will not dispose of this matter in this proceeding.
The Commission approves SaskTel's application, with the exception of SaskTel's proposal to add routes to item 500.02 of its General Tariff. The revisions take effect as of the date of this order. Pursuant to subsection 25(4) of the Telecommunications Act, the Commission ratifies the charging of $20.00 for NSF cheques for the period from 30 June 2000 to the date of this order.
Secretary General
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