ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8652-C12-200312265 - Further Follow-up to 14 July 2003 letter requesting Phase II costing information

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Ottawa, 18 December 2003

Our File No: 8652-T42-01/01 - 8652-C12-200312265

To: Mr. Roy Bruckshaw
Director - Regulatory Affairs
MTS Communications Inc.
333 Main Street - MP19C
PO Box 6666
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3V6

Dear Mr. Bruckshaw:

Re: Further Follow-up to 14 July 2003 letter requesting Phase II costing information

By letter dated 25 July 2003, MTS Communications Inc (MTS) provided responses to information requested by Commission staff related to current economic parameters and tax rates used in economic evaluations.

MTS is requested to provide responses to the attached interrogatory, serving abridged copies on all parties. The response to this interrogatory is due by
6 February 2004.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Scott Hutton
(Acting) Director General
Competition, Costing and Tariffs

c.c.: Yvan Davidson CRTC (819) 953-5414
Leon Shufelt CRTC (819) 994-9988


1. Provide complete details on the development of the income tax rates identified in the letter of July 25, 2003, specifically identifying:

a) Provincial income tax rate(s) including vintage, source(s) of information, and detailed development with supporting rationale;
b) Federal income tax rate including vintage, source(s) of information, and detailed development with supporting rationale;
c) Explain if and demonstrate how large corporation tax and other miscellaneous taxes were excluded from the federal and provincial income tax rate calculations in a) and b) above;
d) Provide a detailed derivation of the blended corporate income tax rate calculation showing how the components identified in parts a) to c) above were incorporated with supporting rationale.

Date modified: 2003-12-18

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