ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8740-T42-200307886 - 8740-T46-200307943 - TCI Tariff Notice (TN) 516 and TCBC TN 4200

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Ottawa, 16 December 2003

Our Files: 8740-T46-200307886 - 8740-T42-200307886


Deo Mathura
Director, Regulatory Compliance & Tariffs
Government & Regulatory Affairs TELUS
21-10020- 100 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T5J ON5

Dear Mr. Deo Mathura:

Re: TCI Tariff Notice (TN) 516 and TCBC TN 4200

With reference to TELUS Communications Inc.'s (TELUS's) 25 June 2003 cost submission in support of TN 516 and TN 4200, the company is asked to provide responses to the attached questions by 30 January 2004.

Yours sincerely,

Yvan Davidson
Senior Manager
Competitor Services and Costing



1) With reference to TELUS's 25 June 2003 cost submission, provide a revised
cost study that excludes the application of the annual standard inflation factors and the 3.5% productivity factors applied during the study period, consistent with the costing approach to be used for Competitor Services as set out in the Commission staff's letter dated 14 July 2003 regarding Phase II costing information requirements.

2) With reference to the revised cost studies to be provided in response to question 1) above provide a description of the major cost resources included in the Summary of Revenue and Cost Impacts, along with the associated cost methodology and assumptions.

Date modified: 2003-12-16

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