ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8623-C12-03/03 - Show cause - Publishing of certain information filed in confidence

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Our File Number: 8623-C12-03/03

Ottawa, 24 September 2003

To: Distribution List (attached)


Re: Show cause - Publishing of certain information filed in confidence

Each company is required to show cause, by 29 September 2003, why the Commission should not publish the following information in its third Report to the Governor in Council on the Status of Competition in Canadian Telecommunications Markets / Deployment and Accessibility of Advanced Telecommunications Infrastructure and Services:

 . Large incumbent Long Distance market share percentages (based on revenues as provided in Form 03-710) by incumbent operating territories.

This information would be derived from data filed in confidence, pursuant to Section 39 of the Telecommunications Act, by parties in response to the Commission's 2003 industry data collection forms identified above.

All submissions must be actually received by 29 September 2003, not merely sent by this date.

Yours sincerely,

Steve Delaney,
Acting Director
Regulatory Finance

Distribution List:

Aliant Telecom Inc.
Bell Canada
MTS Communications Inc.
Saskatchewan Telecommunications
TELUS Corporation Inc.

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