Ottawa, 17 September 2003
Our file: 8638-C12-79/02
Mr. Michel Gilbert
Société en commandite Télébec
Directeur general - Affaires réglementaires
1050, côte du Beaver Hall
Montréal, QC H2Z 1S4
Subject: Follow-up to Decision 2002-76: Regulatory safeguards with respect to incumbent affiliates, bundling by Bell Canada and related matters
On 27 January 2003, Société en commandite Télébec (Télébec) filed its responses to the Commission's directions in paragraph 178 (a) of Regulatory safeguards with respect to incumbent affiliates, bundling by Bell Canada and related matters, Telecom Decision 2002-76, 12 December 2002 (Decision 2002-76) that Télébec, among other things, identify any and all Canadian carriers with which it was under common control.
Télébec submitted the names of three companies: Télébec Solutions Évoluées inc, (TSE), Câblevision du Nord de Québec and Liens Internet du Nord-Ouest. The Commission staff notes that Bell Canada and Aliant Telecom Inc. submitted lists that included Télébec and TSE and other Canadian carriers that form part of the Bell Canada Enterprises (BCE) family.
Télébec is to file with the Commission, serving copies on the parties to Decision 2002-76, by 2 October 2003 a submission stating why it did not include the Canadian carriers that form part of the BCE family in its original response, and a revised list, if necessary, of all Canadian carriers with which Télébec is under common control.
Télébec's response should be sent to the Secretary General by fax at (819) 953-0795 or by e-mail at procedure@crtc.gc.ca. Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, it should be actually received, not merely sent, by that date. Télébec is also requested to provide a courtesy copy of its submission to Lynne Fancy, by fax at (819) 953-3756 or by e-mail at lynne.fancy@crtc.gc.ca.
Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Paul Godin
Competition and Technology
Cc: Distribution List
Distribution List
Aliant Telecom Inc. M. Connors
Bell Canada S. Scott
MTS Communications Inc. R. Bruckshaw
Saskatchewan Telecommunications B. Schurr
TELUS Communications Inc. W. Grieve
TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. G. Laprise
Allstream T. Griffin-Muir
Angus TeleManagement Group Inc. E. Angus
Association des Compagnies de Téléphone S. Désy
Du Québec inc. (A.C.T.Q.)
Axia SuperNet Ltd. E.W. Evans
Call-Net Enterprises Inc. J. Brazeau
Consultant F. Ménard
James Bay Cree Communications Society H. Glustein
LondonConnect Inc. N. Peacey
Nelligan O'Brien Payne LLP S. Traynor
Vidéotron Télécom ltée M. Messier