Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-7
Ottawa, 21 February 2003
CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee - Consensus items
Reference: 8621-C12-01/00
The Co-location Working Group (CLG) of the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) submitted a consensus report to the CISC Steering Committee (SC). The report, entitled Co-location equipment lists (CLRE030D), 11 October 2002, provides a consensus on a list of telecommunications equipment that is ineligible for co-location. This report is available through the Commission's web site.
On 29 November 2002, the SC parties approved the report and referred it for consideration by the Commission.
The Commission has reviewed and approves the consensus report with the following change:
· Paragraph 4.4 should be changed to read: "In any event, no equipment may be
installed within licensed co-location space unless the equipment meets industry
technical specifications."
The Commission notes that in the report, the incumbent local exchange carriers questioned the value of keeping the national co-location equipment list (NCEL) up to date. The Commission found in The Coalition for Better Co-location - Part VII application for general relief with respect to the co-location regime, Order CRTC 2001-780, 26 October 2001 (2001-780), that there was value in maintaining the NCEL as it was a useful centralized planning tool for competitors. The Commission notes that, in Order 2001-780, it required that the NCEL be maintained and, in addition, a second list of equipment that cannot be co-located be created.
Accordingly, the Commission directs that the NCEL be retained and updated on an annual basis.
Secretary General
This document is available in alternative format upon request and may also be examined at the following Internet site: www.crtc.gc.ca