Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-44
Ottawa, 27 June 2003
Canadian Payphone Association - Application regarding the amalgamation of the Pay Telephone Access Line tariffs of TELUS Communications Inc.
Reference: 8650-C66-02/02
In this decision, the Commission approves an application by the Canadian Payphone Association requesting an integrated Pay Telephone Access Lines (PAL) tariff for TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) and directs TCI to file a proposed amalgamated PAL tariff within 30 days of the date of this decision.
The application
The Commission received an application under Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, dated 29 July 2002 from the Canadian Payphone Association (CPA) requesting the Commission to direct TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) to file for approval an integrated pay telephone access lines (PAL) tariff.
The CPA noted that the purchase of PAL from TCI by Competitive Pay Telephone Service providers (CPTSPs) in Alberta and British Columbia was subject to three different tariffs:
· in the City of Edmonton, a PAL was obtained via TELUS Communications (Edmonton) Inc., General Tariff CRTC 25721;
· in the rest of Alberta, a PAL was obtained via the former TELUS Communications Inc., Carrier Access Tariff CRTC 18008; and
· in British Columbia a PAL was obtained via TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc., Interconnection Services Tariff CRTC 1005.
The CPA noted that TCI was already in the process of integrating its various tariffs for other services and submitted that approval of an integrated PAL tariff by TCI prior to the pay telephone proceeding announced by the Commission in Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision 2002-34, 30 May 2002 (Decision 2002-34), would be beneficial.
The Commission received comments from TCI dated 10 October 2002 and reply comments from the CPA dated 11 October 2002.
TCI's comments
TCI submitted that it did not see any benefit to the CPTSPs that might result from having an approved integrated PAL tariff prior to the payphone proceeding announced by the Commission in Decision 2002-34.
TCI stated that the three separate existing tariffs reflected essentially the same service description and terms and conditions of service as directed by the Commission in CRTC sets final rates for payphone access lines, Order CRTC 2000-858, 15 September 2000. TCI submitted that the integration of the PAL tariffs would only result in their replacement with one integrated tariff incorporating the already aligned service description and terms and conditions. TCI further submitted that the alignment of all rates in the PAL tariffs can only be undertaken when such other tariffs as the Business Exchange, 9-1-1 and Message Relay are integrated.
TCI noted that it planned to integrate the PAL tariffs within the next six months.
The CPA's reply
The CPA replied that it is clearly less administratively burdensome to deal with only one tariff and it should be relatively simple to integrate the tariffs.
Commission analysis and determination
The Commission in Decision 2002-34, considered that it would be premature to address pricing policy issues with respect to payphones before more general policy issues relating to payphones were addressed. The Commission further considered that rates for public and semi-public payphones should remain at current levels until the Commission considered policy issues related to payphone service.
The Commission notes that it received an application filed under Tariff Notice 71 (TN 71) dated 18 October 2002 from TCI to amalgamate tariff items associated with the public and semi-public pay telephone services.
In Amalgamation of tariff items associated with public and semi-public pay telephone services,Telecom Order CRTC 2003-259, 27June 2003 (Order 2003-259) the Commission approved the amalgamation of TCI's public and semi-public pay telephone services.
The Commission notes that while the PAL tariffs can be amalgamated at this time, the alignment of all rates in the PAL tariffs can only be undertaken when such other tariffs as the Business Exchange, 9-1-1 and Message Relay are integrated.
The Commission finds that, in light of the approval given in Order 2003-259 it would be appropriate to amalgamate the PAL tariff at this time. In the Commission's view such an amalgamation could lessen the administrative burden on parties.
Accordingly, the Commission approves the application by the CPA and directs TCI to file a proposed amalgamated PAL tariff within 30 days of the date of this decision.
Secretary General
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