Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-15-1
Ottawa, 15 April 2003
Bell Canada
Reference: Tariff Notice 6689
Tariff Notice 746 (National Services Tariff)
2002 Annual price cap filing
Erratum: Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-15
The Commission is issuing corrections to certain paragraphs of Bell Canada 2002 Annual price cap filing, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-15, 18 March 2003 (Decision 2003-15).
The last sentence of paragraph 29 of Decision 2003-15 should read as follows:
Accordingly, the Commission finds that $17.9 million in Quebec TGE tax savings should be allocated to capped services in 2002.
The table contained in paragraph 38 of Decision 2003-15 should read as follows:
For the year 2002 (millions)
GRT savings
TGE deferral account amortization
TGE tax savings
Total GRT and TGE tax savings
Total Capped Services
Residential Services
Residential Services in non-HCSAs
$ 9.7
Basic residential services
$ 5.6
Residential optional services
$ 1.2
$ 4.0
$ 6.6
Residential Services in HCSAs
$ 1.6
$ 1.2
$ 3.2
Basic residential services
$ 1.5
$ 0.8
$ 2.6
Residential optional services
$ 0.1
$ 0.4
$ 0.6
Business Services
$ 4.4
$ 2.8
$ 8.2
Other Capped Services
$ 0.2
$ 4.2
$ 5.9
Note: Totals may not balance due to rounding
The first section of paragraph 65 of Decision 2003-15 should read as follows:
In light of the foregoing:
· the Commission directs Bell Canada to:
- include the $24.7 million in savings allocated to residential local services in non-HCSAs in the price cap deferral account;
- include the $8.2 million in savings allocated to business services as a downward exogenous adjustment to the SBL for the single and multi-line business local exchange services basket; and
- include the $5.9 million in savings allocated to other capped services as a downward exogenous adjustment to the SBL for the other capped services basket;
Secretary General
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