Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-11-1
Ottawa, 23 May 2003
See also: 2003-11
Follow-up to Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34 - Service basket assignment
Reference: 8638 C12 64/02
Erratum: Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-11, Appendix 1
1. The Commission is issuing a revised Appendix 1 to Follow-up to Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34 - Service basket assignment, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-11, 18 March 2003 (Decision 2003-11).
2. The following provides a description of the changes to the application of the mandated pricing constraints as outlined below.
3. For each of Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) and TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), the mandated pricing constraints associated with the hourly labour rates specified in the footnotes of the co-location tariffs were inadvertently omitted from the list of services identified in Appendix 1 to Decision 2003-11. Accordingly, these co-location services have been added to the revision to Appendix 1 of Decision 2003-11 attached to this decision. These services have been classified as Category I Competitor Services but will be exempt from the I-X pricing constraint, consistent with paragraph 80 of Decision 2003-11.
4. For TCI, the Virtual Co-Location Pre-Engineering Fee, and Physical Co-location Pre-Engineering Fee services were inadvertently omitted from the list of services identified in Appendix 1 to Decision 2003-11. Accordingly, these two services have been added to the revision to Appendix 1. These services have been classified as Category I Competitor Services and will be subject to the mark-up reduction and the I-X constraint.
5. For SaskTel, the pricing constraint for the Other Loop Related Charges: Loop Selection, per Loop identified in Appendix 1 to Decision 2003-11, has been revised to reflect the application of both the mark-up reduction and the I-X constraint. In Appendix 1 to Decision 2003-11, this service was incorrectly identified as an hourly labour rate that would be exempt from the I-X pricing constraint.
6. For SaskTel, Appendix 1 to Decision 2003-11 made incorrect references to the National Services Tariff for Enhanced Card Swipe and Card Swipe Access services. These references have been revised to reflect company-specific tariffs in respect of these two services. In addition, Appendix 1 to Decision 2003-11 made an incorrect tariff reference to the National Services Tariff in respect of SaskTel's Support Structure Service and has accordingly been removed.
7. A revision to Appendix 1 of Decision 2003-11, highlighting in bold italic the above-noted changes, is attached to this decision.
Secretary General
This document is available in alternative format upon request and may also be examined at the following Internet site:
Appendix 1
Revised - 23 May 2003
Competitor Services
Aliant Telecom Inc.
A1. Co-location services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
21491 | 628.3 | Entrance Conduit Space | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 628.3 | Floor Space Physical Co-location Arrangement | I | Note 1 | I-X |
21491 | 628.3 | Floor Space Virtual Co-location Arrangement | I | Note 1 | I-X |
21491 | 628.3 | Power Consumption | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 628.3 | Riser Space | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 628.3 | Service Order Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 628.3 | Application Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 628.3 | Power Delivery (Footnotes: 2,3,4) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21491 | 628.3 | Project Management Fee (per Central Office) (Footnotes: 2,3,4) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21491 | 628.3 | Construction Fee (bldg. modification) (Footnotes: 2,3,4) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21491 | 628.3 | Construction Fee (enclosure) (Footnotes: 2,3,4) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21491 | 628.3 | Site Preparation Fee (Footnotes: 2,3,4) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21491 | 628.3 | Installation/Maintenance (Footnotes: 2,3,4) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21491 | 628.3 | Cable Pulling/Splicing (Footnotes: 2,3,4) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21491 | 628.3 | Escort (Footnotes: 2,3,4) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21491 | 628.3 | Construction Charges: Contracted | I | Note 5 | Note 5 |
A2. Toll network interconnection and ancillary services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
10008 | 70.1 | Service Order Charges per DS-0 Interconnecting Circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
10008 | 70.3 | Direct Connection Service | I | Note 1 | Note 2 |
10008 | 70.3 | Access Tandem Connection Service | I | -8% | I-X |
10008 | 70.3 | 800/888 Carrier Identification Charge | I | -8% | Note 2 |
10008 | 70.4 | PIC Processing Charges | I | -8% | I-X |
10008 | 70.6 | Equal Access Start-Up Charge | I | Note 3 | Note 3 |
10008 | 70.7 | Carrier Network Profile Change | I | -8% | I-X |
10008 | 72.3 | Billing and Collection: Account Receivable Management (ARM) Discount | I | Note 4 | Note 4 |
10008 | 72.3 | Billing and Collection Charges Excluding ARM Discount | I | -8% | I-X |
10008 | 100 | Network Announcements for Customers of Disconnected IXCs with Group Feature D Service | I | Note 6 | I-X |
10008 | 105 | Bulk Transfer of Customer Base between IXCs having Feature Group D Service | I | -8% | I-X |
10008 | 200.3 | 800 Carrier Access Multi-Carrier Selection Capability | I | Note 6 | I-X |
10008 | 205 | Dialed Number Transport Capability | I | -8% | I-X |
11008 | 70.1 | Service Order Charges per DS-0 Interconnecting Circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
11008 | 70.3 | Direct Connection Service | I | Note 1 | Note 2 |
11008 | 70.3 | Access Tandem Connection Service | I | -8% | I-X |
11008 | 70.3 | 800/888 Carrier Identification Charge | I | -8% | Note 2 |
11008 | 70.4 | PIC Processing Charges | I | -8% | I-X |
11008 | 70.6 | Equal Access Start Up Charge | I | Note 3 | Note 3 |
11008 | 70.7 | Carrier Network Profile Change | I | -8% | I-X |
11008 | 72.3 | Billing and Collection: Accounts Receivable Management (ARM) Discount | I | Note 4 | Note 4 |
11008 | 72.3 | Billing and Collection Charges Excluding ARM Discount | I | -8% | I-X |
11008 | 100 | Network Announcements for Customers of Disconnected IXCs with Group Feature D Service | I | Note 6 | I-X |
11008 | 105 | Bulk Transfer of Customer Base between IXCs having Feature Group D Service | I | -8% | I-X |
11008 | 200.3 | 800 Carrier Access Multi-Carrier Selection Capability | I | Note 6 | I-X |
11008 | 205 | Dialed Number Transport Capability | I | -8% | I-X |
12001 | 800.6 | Service Order Charges per DS-0 Interconnecting Circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
12001 | 800.6 | Direct Connection Service | I | Note 1 | Note 2 |
12001 | 800.6 | Access Tandem Connection Service | I | -8% | I-X |
12001 | 800.6 | 800/888 Carrier Identification Charge | I | -8% | Note 2 |
12001 | 800.6 | PIC Processing Charges | I | -8% | I-X |
12001 | 800.6 | Equal Access Start Up Charge | I | Note 3 | Note 3 |
12001 | 800.6 | Carrier Network Profile Change | I | -8% | I-X |
12001 | 800.6 | Billing and Collection: Account Receivable Management (ARM) Discount | I | Note 4 | Note 4 |
12001 | 800.6 | Billing and Collection Charges Excluding ARM Discount | I | -8% | I-X |
12001 | 800.9 | Network Announcements for Customers of Disconnected IXCs with Group Feature D Service | I | Note 6 | I-X |
12001 | 800.10 | Bulk Transfer of Customer Base between IXCs having Feature Group D Service | I | -8% | I-X |
12001 | 800.11 | 800 Carrier Access Multi-Carrier Selection Capability | I | Note 6 | I-X |
12001 | 800.12 | Dialed Number Transport Capability | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | 299.3 | Equal Access Start up Charge | I | Note 3 | Note 3 |
13001 | 299.3.70 | Direct Connection Service | I | Note 1 | Note 2 |
13001 | 299.3.70 | Access Tandem Connection Service | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | 299.3.70 | 800/888 Carrier Identification Charge | I | -8% | Note 2 |
13001 | 299.3.70 | PIC Processing Charges | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | 299.3.70 (c) | Service Order Charges per DS-0 Interconnecting Circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | | Carrier Network Profile Change | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | 299.3.72 | Billing and Collection: Account Receivable Management (ARM) Discount | I | Note 4 | Note 4 |
13001 | 299.3.72 | Billing and Collection Charges Excluding ARM Discount | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | 299.3.92 | Network Announcements for Customers of Disconnected IXCs with Group Feature D Service | I | Note 6 | I-X |
13001 | 299.3.95 | Bulk Transfer of Customer Base between IXCs having Feature Group D Service | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | 299.3.100 | 800 Carrier Access Multi-Carrier Selection Capability | I | Note 6 | I-X |
13001 | 299.3.110 | Dialed Number Transport Capability | I | -8% | I-X |
A3. Local network interconnection and ancillary services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
21491 | 646.3 | Unbundled Loops Type A & B | I | -8% | Note 2 |
21491 | 646.3 | Unbundled Loop Service Charge per Order | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 646.3 | Unbundled Loop Service Charge per Loop | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 646.3 | Unbundled Loop Selection | I | -8% | Note 2 |
21491 | 646.3 | Unbundled Loop Modification | I | 0% | 0% |
21491 | 646.3 | Unbundled Loop Connecting Link service | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 646.3 | Riser Space | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 646.3 | Relay Service, Set-up Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 646.3 | Compensation for Traffic Termination | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 646.3 | Compensation for Transiting Service | I | -8% | I-X |
A4. Other interconnection arrangements
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
21491 | 630 | Local Number Portability (LNP) Access to Service Control Point (SCP) | II | 0% | 0% |
21491 | 632 | Link Arrangements for Interconnecting Canadian Carriers and Digital Subscriber Line Service Providers | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 634 | Billed Number Screening (BNS) Database Service | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 636 | Basic Listing Interchange File | I | -8% | Note 2 |
21491 | 644 | Zero-Dialed Emergency Call Routing Service | I | -8% | I-X |
B. Wireless access services (WAS)
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
10001 | 1225 | Public Cellular System Operators: Use of Towers and Associated Building Space | II | 0% | 0% |
10001 | 1270.1 | Wireless Access Service (WAS): Telephone Numbers Line-side Access | I | -8% | I-X |
10001 | 1270 | WAS: Other | I | -8% | I-X |
10001 | 1398 | Mobile Radio Network Access Service | I | -8% | I-X |
11001 | 922.1 (b) | WAS: Line-side Access - Telephone Numbers | I | -8% | I-X |
11001 | 922 | WAS: Other | I | -8% | I-X |
12001 | 805.1 E | WAS: Repair Visit | I | -8% | Note 2 |
12001 | 805.2 A | WAS: Line-side Access | I | -8% | I-X |
12001 | 805.2 B | WAS: Trunk-side Access | I | -8% | I-X |
12001 | 840 | Mobile Radio Network Access Service | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | 295.2 (i) i/ii | WAS: Line-side Access - Telephone Numbers | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | 295.3 (f) i | WAS: Trunk-side Access - 1000 Block Routing | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | 295 | WAS: Other | I | -8% | I-X |
C. Other services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
7400 | 790 | Enhanced Card Swipe Access | II | 0% | 0% |
7400 | 901 | Support Structure Service | II | 0% | 0% |
7400 | 909 | Card Swipe Access | II | 0% | 0% |
10001 | 1155 | Directory File Service | I | -8% | I-X |
10001 | 1350 | Network Paging Access Service | I | -8% | I-X |
10001 | 1625.2 (a) | Call Forward Busy/No Answer | I | -8% | I-X |
10001 | 1625.2 (b) | Integrated Voice Messaging Service (IVMS) - Data Access Ports | I | -8% | I-X |
10001 | 4100 | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access to Individual Line Service | II | 0% | 0% |
10006 | 4 | Tariff for Interconnection with Telesat | I | -8% | I-X |
10008 | 71 | Operator Services | II | 0% | 0% |
10008 | 90 | Standby Circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
11001 | 815.1 (c)(d)(e)(f) | Enhanced Local Services - Alternate Service Provider Voice Messaging | I | -8% | I-X |
11001 | 835.1 | Directory File Service | I | -8% | I-X |
11001 | 925 | Network Paging Access Service | I | -8% | I-X |
11001 | 7000 | Internet Service Provider (ISP) Access to Individual Line Service | II | 0% | 0% |
11006 | 4 | Tariff for Interconnection with Telesat | I | -8% | I-X |
11008 | 71 | Operator Services | II | 0% | 0% |
11008 | 90 | Standby Circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
12001 | 630.1 | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Line Service | II | 0% | 0% |
12001 | 800.7 | Standby Circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
12001 | 820.1 | Radio Paging Access Service | I | -8% | I-X |
12002 | 5069.1 | Directory File Service | I | -8% | I-X |
12002 | 5800.2 | Call Forward Busy/No Answer | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | 45.2 | Directory File Service | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | 290 | Dial Access to Radio Paging Service | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | 299.2 | Tariff for Interconnection with Telesat | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | 299.3.90 | Standby Circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
13001 | 325 | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service | II | 0% | 0% |
13001 | 370.25 | Call Forward Busy/No Answer | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 604 | Exchange Maps | I | Note 3 | Note 3 |
21491 | 638 | Compensation per Call | I | -8% | I-X |
21491 | 640 | Electronic Directory Database Access Service | II | 0% | 0% |
27750 | 201.2 (e) | Internet Service Provider (ISP) Link Connectivity | II | 0% | 0% |
27750 | 504.4 | Payphone Basic Access Line Service | II | 0% | 0% |
27750 | 504.6 | CPTSP Toll Free Report | II | 0% | 0% |
Bell Canada
A1. Co-location services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
7516 | 110 | Entrance Conduit Space | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 110 | Floor Space Physical Co-location Arrangement | I | Note 1 | I-X |
7516 | 110 | Floor Space Virtual Co-location Arrangement | I | Note 1 | I-X |
7516 | 110 | Power Consumption | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 110 | Riser Space | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 110 | Service Order Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 110 | Application Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 110 | Construction Charges: Contracted | I | Note 5 | Note 5 |
7516 | 110.4 | Power Delivery (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
7516 | 110.4 | Project Management Fee per Central Office (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
7516 | 110.4 | Construction Fee (bldg. modification) (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
7516 | 110.4 | Construction Fee (enclosure) (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
7516 | 110.4 | Site Preparation Fee (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
7516 | 110.4 | Installation/Maintenance Fee (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
7516 | 110.4 | Cable/Pulling Splicing (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
7516 | 110.4 | Escort (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
A2. Toll network interconnection and ancillary services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
7516 | 40.1 (g) | Service Order Charges per DS-0 Interconnecting Circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 40.1 (h) | Signalling Transfer Point (STP) Port Connection Services | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 40.4 | Direct Connection Service | I | Note 1 | Note 2 |
7516 | 40.4 | Access Tandem Connection Service | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 40.4 | 800/888 Carrier Identification Charge | I | -8% | Note 2 |
7516 | 40.5 | PIC Processing Charges | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 40.6 | Billed Number Screening (BNS) Database Access | I | -8% | Note 2 |
7516 | 40.7 | Equal Access Start-Up Charge | I | Note 3 | Note 3 |
7516 | 40.8 | Carrier Network Profile Change | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 41 | Operator Services Excluding 800/888 Services | II | 0% | 0% |
7516 | 41.5 | 800/888 Directory Assistance Service | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 42.3 | Billing and Collection: Accounts Receivable Management (ARM) Discount | I | Note 4 | Note 4 |
7516 | 42.3 | Billing and Collection: Charges Excluding ARM Discount | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 70 | 800/888 Carrier Access: Multi-Carrier Selection Capability | I | Note 6 | I-X |
7516 | 75 | Dialed Number Transport Capability | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 80 | Network Announcements for Customers of Disconnected IXCs with Feature Group | I | Note 6 | I-X |
7516 | 85 | Bulk Transfer of Customer Base between IXCs having Feature Group D Service | I | -8% | I-X |
A3. Local network interconnection and ancillary services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
7516 | 105.4 (c) | Local Network Interconnection and Unbundled Network Component Services | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 105.4 (c) | Unbundled Loops Type A & B | I | -8% | Note 2 |
7516 | 105.4 (c) | Unbundled Loop Service Charge per Order | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 105.4 (c) | Unbundled Loop Service Charge per Loop | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 105.4 (c) | Unbundled Loop Selection | I | -8% | Note 2 |
7516 | 105.4 (c) | Unbundled Loop Modification | I | 0% | 0% |
7516 | 105.4 (c) | Unbundled Loop Connecting Link Service | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 105.4 (c) | Riser Space | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 105.4 (c) | Relay Service: Set-up Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 105.4 (c) | CCS7 Signalling Services | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 105.4 (d) | Traffic Termination | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 105.4 (e) | Transit Services | I | -8% | Note 2 |
7516 | 105.4 (f) | Remote Switching and DSLAM Information | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 105.4 (g) | ADSL Coverage Information | I | -8% | I-X |
A4. Other interconnection arrangements
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
7516 | 115 | Local Number Portability (LNP) Access to Service Control Point (SCP) | II | 0% | 0% |
7516 | 120 | Link Arrangements for Interconnecting Canadian Carriers and Digital Subscriber Line Service Providers | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 200 | Customer Information Reports | II | 0% | 0% |
7516 | 300 | Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) Interconnection Services | II | 0% | 0% |
7516 | 305 | Billed Number Screen (BNS) Database Service | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 310 | Basic Listing Interchange File | I | -8% | Note 2 |
7516 | 315 | Zero-Dialed Emergency Call Routing Service | I | -8% | I-X |
B. Wireless access services (WAS)
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
7396 | G6, G8 | Central Office Located Customer-Provided Equipment | II | 0% | 0% |
7396 | G12 | Connection of Customer-Provided Equipment: Co-location Services | I | -8% | I-X |
7396 | G12 | Connection of Customer-Provided Equipment: Other Components | I | -8% | I-X |
7396 | G14 | Type 1 and Type 2 Connections | II | 0% | 0% |
7396 | G15 | Wireless Access Services - Other | I | -8% | I-X |
7396 | G15 (b)(1)a | Line-side WAS Telephone Number Services | I | Note 1 | I-X |
7396 | G16 | Cellular Voice Channels | I | -8% | I-X |
7396 | G17 | Cellular Access Service Types II & III | I | -8% | I-X |
7396 | G18 | Directory Information Service for Wireless Service Providers | II | 0% | 0% |
7396 | G19 | Mini Cell Site for Wireless Service Operators | I | -8% | I-X |
7396 | G21 | Wireless Service Provider Enhanced 9-1-1 Service | I | -8% | I-X |
C. Other services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
6716 | 26.2 | Directory File Service | I | -8% | I-X |
6716 | 84 | Wholesale Automated Alternative Billing Service | II | 0% | 0% |
6716 | 87 | Directory Information Service | II | 0% | 0% |
6716 | 88 | Local Operator Assistance Service ( LOAS) | II | 0% | 0% |
6716 | 89 | Connection Service | II | 0% | 0% |
6716 | 315 | Payphone Basic Access Line Service | II | 0% | 0% |
6716 | 1985 | Network Portability Access Service | I | -8% | I-X |
6716 | 2025.4 | Integrated Voice Messaging System Access Arrangements | I | -8% | I-X |
6716 | 2025.7 | Call Forward Busy/No Answer, Message Monitor and Toll Saver | I | -8% | I-X |
6716 | 4190, 1990 | Paging/Telephone Number Access (TNA) Services: Telephone Number Access Service | I | Note 1 | I-X |
6716 | 4190, 4195 | Paging/TNA Services: Radio Systems Operators Services and Other Services | I | -8% | I-X |
6716 | 4195 | Switched Network Access for Conventional Radio System Operators and Private | I | -8% | I-X |
6716 | 4695 | Internet Service Provider (ISP) Link Service | II | 0% | 0% |
6716 | 4698 | Managed Internet Protocol Service (MIPS) | II | 0% | 0% |
6716 | 4910 | Partial Cable-distribution System | II | 0% | 0% |
6716 | 5400 | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service excluding Administration and Support | II | 0% | 0% |
6716 | 5400 | ADSL Loop Administration and Support | I | -8% | I-X |
7400 | 700 | Co-located Customer Provided Equipment in TELCO Central-Office | I | -8% | I-X |
7400 | 704 | Mobile Satellite Access Service | I | -8% | I-X |
7400 | 790 | Enhanced Card Swipe Access | II | 0% | 0% |
7400 | 901 | Support Structure Service | II | 0% | 0% |
7400 | 909 | Card Swipe Access | II | 0% | 0% |
7516 | 43 | Compensation per Call | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 60 | Standby Circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
7516 | 100 | Electronic Directory Database Access Service | II | 0% | 0% |
MTS Communications Inc.
A1. Co-location services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
24006 | 110 | Entrance Conduit Space | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 110 | Floor Space Physical Co-location Arrangement | I | Note 1 | I-X |
24006 | 110 | Floor Space Virtual Co-location Arrangement | I | Note 1 | I-X |
24006 | 110 | Power Consumption | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 110 | Riser Space | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 110 | Service Order Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 110 | Application Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 110 | Construction Charges: Contracted | I | Note 5 | Note 5 |
24006 | 110.4 | Power Delivery (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
24006 | 110.4 | Project Management Fee (per central office) (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
24006 | 110.4 | Construction Fee (bldg. modification) (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
24006 | 110.4 | Construction Fee (enclosure) (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
24006 | 110.4 | Site Preparation Fee (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
24006 | 110.4 | Installation/Maintenance Fee (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
24006 | 110.4 | Cable/Pulling Splicing (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
24006 | 110.4 | Escort (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
A2. Toll network interconnection and ancillary services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
24006 | 40.1 G | Service Order Charges per DS-0 Interconnecting Circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 40.3.D | Direct Connection Service | I | Note 1 | Note 2 |
24006 | 40.3.D | Access Tandem Connection Service | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 40.3.F | 800/888 Carrier Identification Charge | I | -8% | Note 2 |
24006 | 40.4 H | PIC Processing Charges | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 40.6 D | Equal Access Start-Up Charge | I | Note 3 | Note 3 |
24006 | 40.8 C | Carrier Network Profile Change | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 42.3.B | Billing and Collection: Accounts Receivable Management (ARM) Discount | I | Note 4 | Note 4 |
24006 | 42.3.C | Billing and Collection Charges Excluding ARM Discount | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 70 | 800 Carrier Access Multi-Carrier Selection Capability | I | Note 6 | I-X |
24006 | 75 | Dialed Number Transport Capability | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 80 | Network Announcements for Customers of Discontinued IXCs with Feature Group D Service | I | Note 6 | I-X |
24006 | 85 | Bulk Transfer of Customer Base between IXCs having Feature Group D Service | I | -8% | I-X |
A3. Local network interconnection and ancillary services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
24006 | 105.4 C | Unbundled Loops Type A & B | I | -8% | Note 2 |
24006 | 105.4 C | Unbundled Loop Service Charge per Order | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 105.4 C | Unbundled Loop Service Charge per Loop | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 105.4 C | Unbundled Loop Selection | I | -8% | Note 2 |
24006 | 105.4 C | Unbundled Loop Modification | I | 0% | 0% |
24006 | 105.4 C | Unbundled Loop Connecting Link Service | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 105.4 C | Riser Space | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 105.4 C | Relay Service: Set-up Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 105.4 D | Compensation for Traffic Terminations | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 105.4 E (2) | Compensation for Transiting Service | I | -8% | Note 2 |
A4. Other interconnection arrangements
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
24006 | 115 | Local Number Portability (LNP) Access to Service Control Point (SCP) | II | 0% | 0% |
24006 | 120 | Link Arrangements for Interconnecting Canadian Carriers and Digital Subscriber Line Service Providers | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 305 | Billed Number Screening (BNS) Database Service | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 310.4 | Basic Listing Interchange File | I | -8% | Note 2 |
24006 | 320 | Zero-Dialed Emergency Call Routing Service | I | -8% | I-X |
B. Wireless access services (WAS)
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
24001 | 3000.3 E | Wireless Mobile Radio Network Access Service: Telephone Number Services | I | -8% | I-X |
24001 | 3000.3 | Wireless Mobile Radio Network Access Service: Other Services Excluding Sub-Item 3000.3 E | I | -8% | I-X |
C. Other services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
7400 | 790 | Enhanced Card Swipe Access | II | 0% | 0% |
7400 | 901 | Support Structure Service | II | 0% | 0% |
7400 | 909 | Card Swipe Access | II | 0% | 0% |
24001 | 360 | Directory File Service | I | -8% | I-X |
24001 | 1610.3 | Operator Services | II | 0% | 0% |
24001 | 1705 | Payphone Basic Access Line Service | II | 0% | 0% |
24001 | 2950 | Dial Access for Radio Paging Service | I | -8% | I-X |
24001 | 3150.3 B | Dial Access for Customer-Owned Telephone Answering Equipment: Trunks | I | -8% | I-X |
24002 | 5800 | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Line Enhancement | II | 0% | 0% |
24002 | 5810 | ADSL Access to Individual Line Service | II | 0% | 0% |
24006 | 43.3 | Compensation per Call | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 60 | Standby Circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
24006 | 100 | Electronic Directory Database Access Service | II | 0% | 0% |
24006 | 325 | Wholesale Voice Messaging Integration | I | -8% | I-X |
Saskatchewan Telecommunications
A1. Co-location services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
21414 | 610.16 | Entrance Conduit Space | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.16 | Floor Space Physical Co-location Arrangement | I | Note 1 | I-X |
21414 | 610.16 | Floor Space Virtual Co-location Arrangement | I | Note 1 | I-X |
21414 | 610.16 | Power Consumption | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.16 | Riser Space | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.16 | Service Order Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.16 | Application Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.16 | Power Delivery | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21414 | 610.16 | Project Management Fee | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21414 | 610.16 | Construction Fee (bldg. modification) (Footnotes 1,2,3) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21414 | 610.16 | Construction Fee (enclosure) (Footnotes 1,2,3) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21414 | 610.16 | Site Preparation Fee | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21414 | 610.16 | Installation/Maintenance | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21414 | 610.16 | Cable Pulling/Splicing | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21414 | 610.16 | Construction Charges: Contracted | I | Note 5 | Note 5 |
A2. Toll network interconnection and ancillary services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
21414 | 610.04 | Billing and Collection: Accounts Receivable Management (ARM) Discount | I | Note 4 | Note 4 |
21414 | 610.04 | Billing and Collection Charges Excluding ARM Discount | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.06.1 | Service Order Charges per DS-0 Interconnecting circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.06.2 | Direct Connection Service | I | Note 1 | Note 2 |
21414 | 610.06.2 | Access Tandem Connection Service | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.06.2 | 800/888 Carrier Identification Charge | I | -8% | Note 2 |
21414 | 610.06.3 | PIC Processing | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.06.5 | Equal Access Start-Up Charge | I | Note 3 | Note 3 |
21414 | 610.06.6 | Carrier Network Profile Change | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.08 | Network Announcements for Customers of Disconnected IXCs with Feature Group D Service | I | Note 6 | I-X |
21414 | 610.10 | Bulk Transfer of Customer Base between IXCs having Feature Group D Service | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.12 | Operator Services | II | 0% | 0% |
A3. Local network interconnection and ancillary services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
21414 | 610.18.4 (2)(a) | Unbundled Loops Type A & B | I | -8% | Note 2 |
21414 | 610.18.4 (2)(a) | Unbundled Loop Service Charge per Order | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.18.4 (2)(a) | Unbundled Loop Service Charge per Loop | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.18.4 (2)(b) | Other Loop Related Charges: Loop Selection, per Loop | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.18.4 (2)(b) | Other Loop Related Charges: Loop Modifications Charges | I | 0% | 0% |
21414 | 610.18.4 (2)(b) | Other Loop Related Charges: Diagnostic Maintenance Charge | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21414 | 610.18.4 (2)(c) | Unbundled Loop Connecting Link Service: Excluding Connecting Link C | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.18.4 (2)(c) | Unbundled Loop Connecting Link Service: Connecting Link C | I | Note 8 | Note 8 |
21414 | 610.18.4 (2)(c) | Riser Space | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.18.4 (2)(d) | Central Office Codes | II | 0% | 0% |
21414 | 610.18.4 (2)(e) | Message Relay Service, Set-up Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.18.4 (2)(f) | Emergency Service 9-1-1, Provincial 9-1-1 Location Information | I | Note 7 | Note 7 |
21414 | 610.18.4 (3) | Compensation for Traffic Termination | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.18.4 (4) | Compensation for Transiting Services: Excluding Toll Transit | I | -8% | Note 2 |
21414 | 610.18.4 (4)(b) | Toll Transit | I | Note 8 | Note 8 |
A4. Other interconnection arrangements
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
21414 | 610.20 | Link Arrangements for Interconnecting Canadian Carriers | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 610.26 | Interconnection Arrangements for Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Service Providers | II | 0% | 0% |
21414 | 650.02 | Basic Listing Interchange File | I | -8% | Note 2 |
21414 | 650.08 | Billed Number Screening (BNS) Database Service | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 650.22 | Zero-Dialed Emergency Call Routing Service (0-ECRS) | I | -8% | I-X |
B. Wireless access services (WAS)
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
21414 | 650.20.4 | Wireless Service Provider - Network Access Service: Line Side Access Service Channel | I | Note 7 | Note 7 |
21414 | 650.20.4 | WSP Network Access Service: Line Side Access Telephone Numbers | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 650.20.4 | WSP Network Access Service: Trunk Side Access Service Channel | I | Note 7 | Note 7 |
21414 | 650.20.4 | WSP Network Access Service: Trunk Side Access Telephone Numbers | II | 0% | 0% |
21414 | 650.20.4 | WSP Network Access Service: Trouble Investigation | I | -8% | Note 8 |
21414 | 650.20.4 | WSP Network Access Service: Other Services | I | -8% | I-X |
C. Other services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
21412 | 550.08.3 (d) | Message Manager: Call Forward Busy/ No Answer | I | Note 6 | I-X |
21414 | 575.02 | Card Swipe Access | II | 0% | 0% |
21414 | 575.04 | Enhanced Card Swipe Access | II | 0% | 0% |
21414 | 650.04 | Directory File Service | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 650.06 | Pay Telephone Basic Access Line Service | II | 0% | 0% |
21414 | 650.12 | Busy Line Verification | II | 0% | 0% |
21414 | 650.14 | Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access Capability | II | 0% | 0% |
21414 | 650.16 | Support Structure Service | II | 0% | 0% |
21414 | 650.18 | Radio Paging Access Service | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 650.24 | Payphone Compensation Per Call (CPC) | I | -8% | I-X |
21414 | 650.26 | Competitive Payphone Toll-Free Tracking (CPTT) Report Service | II | 0% | 0% |
TELUS Communications Inc.
A1. Co-location services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
1017 | 110 D (5) | Entrance Conduit Space | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 110 D (5) | Floor Space Physical Co-location Arrangement | I | Note 1 | I-X |
1017 | 110 D (5) | Floor Space Virtual Co-location Arrangement | I | Note 1 | I-X |
1017 | 110 D (5) | Power Consumption | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 110 D (5) | Riser Space | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 110 D (5) | Service Order Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 110 D (5) | Construction Charges: Contracted | I | Note 5 | Note 5 |
1017 | 110 D (5) | Application Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 110 D (5) | Power delivery (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
1017 | 110 D (5) | Project Management Fee (per central office) (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
1017 | 110 D (5) | Construction fee (bldg. modification) (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
1017 | 110 D (5) | Construction fee (enclosure) (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
1017 | 110 D (5) | Site preparation fee (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
1017 | 110 D (5) | Installation/Maintenance (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
1017 | 110 D (5) | Cable Pulling/Splicing (Footnotes: 3,4,5) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
18008 | 250.8 | Virtual Co-location: Pre-engineering Fee | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 250.8 | Entrance Conduit Space | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 250.8 | Floor Space Virtual Co-location Arrangement | I | Note 1 | I-X |
18008 | 250.8 | Power Consumption | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 250.8 | Riser Space | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 250.8 | Service Order Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 250.8 | Construction Charges: Contracted | I | Note 5 | Note 5 |
18008 | 250.8 | Access to Synchronization Clock | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 250.8 | Transition Cabinet | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 250.8 | Project Fee (Footnotes: 2,3,4) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
18008 | 250.8 | Installation and Maintenance (Footnotes: 2,3,4) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
18008 | 255.4 | Physical Co-location: Pre-engineering Fee | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 255.4 | Power Consumption | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 255.4 | Building Riser Space and Fibre Optic Cable | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 255.4 | Entrance Conduit Space | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 255.4 | Order Processing Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 255.4 | Floor Space Physical Co-location Arrangement | I | Note 1 | I-X |
18008 | 255.4 | Construction Fee | I | Note 5 | Note 5 |
18008 | 255.4 | Access to Synchronization Clock | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 255.4 | Transition Cabinet | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 255.4 | Project Fee (Footnotes: 2,3,4) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
18008 | 255.4 | Installation and Maintenance (Footnotes: 2,3,4) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
18008 | 255.4 | Escort (Footnotes: 2,3,4) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
18008 | 255.4 | Construction Fee (bldg. modifications, enclosures, etc.) (Footnotes: 2,3,4) | I | -8% | Note 8 |
A2. Toll network interconnection and ancillary services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
1017 | 70 A | Service Order Charges per DS-0 Interconnecting Circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 70 A(8) | Signalling Transfer Point (STP) Port Connection Services (PCS) | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 70 E(5) | Direct Connection Service | I | Note 1 | I-X |
1017 | 70 E(5) | Access Tandem Connection Service | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 70 E(7) | 800/888 Carrier Identification Charge | I | -8% | Note 2 |
1017 | 70 F | PIC Processing | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 70.G.4 | Equal Access Start-Up Charge | I | Note 3 | Note 3 |
1017 | 70 H | Carrier Network Profile Change | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 70 I | Billed Number Screening (BNS) Database Access Query | I | -8% | Note 2 |
1017 | 73 | 800/888 Carrier Access Multi-Carrier Selection Capability | I | Note 6 | I-X |
1017 | 75 | Dialed Number Transport Capability | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 220 | 800 Carrier Access Multi-Carrier Selection Capability | I | Note 6 | I-X |
18008 | 225 | Dialed Number Transport Capability | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 270.1 | Service Order Charges per DS-0 Interconnecting Circuits | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 270.2 | Direct Connection Service | I | Note 1 | I-X |
18008 | 270.2 | Access Tandem Connection Service | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 270.2 | 800/877/888 Carrier Identification Charge | I | -8% | Note 2 |
18008 | 270.2 | Signalling Transfer Point (STP) Port Connection Service (PCS) | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 270.3 | Equal Access Start-Up Charge | I | Note 3 | Note 3 |
18008 | 270.4 | PIC Processing Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 270.5 | Billed Number Screening (BNS) Database Access | I | -8% | Note 2 |
18008 | 270.6 | Carrier Network Profile Change | I | -8% | I-X |
21462 | 200 | Bulk Transfer of Customer Base between IXCs having Feature Group D Service | I | -8% | I-X |
21462 | 201 | Network Recorded Announcements for Customers of Disconnected IXCs with Trunk Side Access | I | Note 6 | I-X |
21462 | 207 | Billing and Collection: Accounts Receivable Management (ARM) Discount | I | Note 4 | Note 4 |
21462 | 207 | Billing and Collection Charges Excluding ARM Discount | I | -8% | I-X |
A3. Local network interconnection and ancillary services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
1005 | 209 | Transit Services | I | -8% | Note 2 |
1017 | 105 | Unbundled Loops Type A & B | I | -8% | Note 2 |
1017 | 105 | Fixed Rate Service Order Charge per Order | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 105 | Variable Rate Service Order Charge per Loop | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 105 | Unbundled Loop Selection | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 105 | Unbundled Loop Modification | I | 0% | 0% |
1017 | 105 | Unbundled Loop Connecting Link Services | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 105 | Riser Space | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 105 | CCS7 Signalling Services | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 105 | Compensation for Traffic Termination | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 105 | Relay Service, Set-up Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 215 | Unbundled Loops Type A & B | I | -8% | Note 2 |
18008 | 215 | Fixed Rate Service Order Charge per Order | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 215 | Variable Rate Service Order Charge per Loop | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 215 | Unbundled Loop Selection | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 215 | Unbundled Loop Modification | I | 0% | 0% |
18008 | 215 | Unbundled Loop Connecting Link Services | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 215 | Riser Space | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 215 | CCS7 Signalling Services | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 215 | Traffic Termination | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 215 | Transit Services | I | -8% | Note 2 |
18008 | 215 | Relay Service, Set-up Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 215 | 9-1-1 Maps | I | -8% | Note 8 |
A4. Other interconnection arrangements
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
1017 | 115 | Local Number Portability (LNP) Access to Service Control Point (SCP) | II | 0% | 0% |
1017 | 120 | Link Arrangements for Interconnecting Carriers and DSL Providers | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 205 | Billed Number Screening (BNS) Database Service | I | -8% | I-X |
1017 | 210 | Basic Listing Interchange File | I | -8% | Note 2 |
18008 | 230 | Intelligent Network Interconnection | II | 0% | 0% |
18008 | 235 | Central Office Link Arrangements for Interconnecting Canadian Carriers | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 265 | Local Number Portability (LNP) Access to Service Control Point (SCP) | II | 0% | 0% |
18008 | 300 | Basic Listing Interchange File | I | -8% | Note 2 |
18008 | 310 | Billed Number Screening (BNS) Database Service | I | -8% | I-X |
21461 | 309 | Emergency Services - Operator Access Coordination Service | I | -8% | I-X |
B. Wireless access services (WAS)
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
1005 | 196 | Terminal Network Access (TNA) for Local Service | I | -8% | I-X |
1005 | 197 | Switched Access Types for Conventional Public Mobile Radio Systems | I | -8% | I-X |
1005 | 197 A | Wireless Access Service (WAS) | I | -8% | I-X |
1005 | 197 A (D)(1) d/e | SAT-1 Digital Wireless Service: Telephone Numbers | I | -8% | I-X |
1005 | 197 C | Wireless Service Provider Enhanced Provincial 9-1-1 Network Access Service | I | -8% | I-X |
18001 | 330 | Messaging Services Network Access | I | -8% | I-X |
18001 | 555 | Wireless Service Providers (WSP) - Network Access Service Excluding Emergency 9-1-1 Service, per NAS Charge | I | -8% | I-X |
18001 | 555.4 (10) b/c | WSP - Network Access Service: Line Side Interconnection, Telephone Numbers | I | Note 1 | I-X |
18001 | 570 | Wireless Service Provider Enhanced Provincial 9-1-1 Network Access Service | I | -8% | I-X |
18001 | 695 | Wireless System Operators (WSO) - Tower Service | II | 0% | 0% |
25721 | 2220 | Radio Paging System Access | I | -8% | I-X |
C. Other services
Tariff | Item | Description | Category | Change in rates due to: | |
Mark-up | Pricing constraint | ||||
7400 | 790 | Enhanced Card Swipe Access | II | 0% | 0% |
7400 | 909 | Card Swipe Access | II | 0% | 0% |
1005 | 23 | Directory File Service | I | -8% | I-X |
1005 | 179 | Directory Information Services for Carriers and Non-Carriers | II | 0% | 0% |
1005 | 180 | Local Operator Assistance Service for Carriers and Non-Carriers | II | 0% | 0% |
1005 | 185 | Pay Telephone Basic Access Line Service | II | 0% | 0% |
1005 | 206 | Integrated Voice Messaging Service (IVMS) Access | I | -8% | I-X |
1005 | 207 | Network Portability Access Service (NPAS) | I | -8% | I-X |
1005 | 471 | Internet Service Provider (ISP) Connection Service | II | 0% | 0% |
18001 | 245 | Network Portability Access Service (NPAS) | I | -8% | I-X |
18001 | 295 | Inbound Data Access (IDA) Service | II | 0% | 0% |
18001 | 300 | Integrated Voice Messaging - Underlying Network Components | I | -8% | I-X |
18001 | 330.3 | Messaging Services | I | -8% | I-X |
18001 | 475 | Directory File Service | I | -8% | I-X |
18008 | 205 | Directory Information Services (DIS) | II | 0% | 0% |
18008 | 210 | Local Operator Assistance Service | II | 0% | 0% |
18008 | 280 | Call Routing - Local Routing Number Absent | II | 0% | 0% |
18008 | 416 | Public Telephone Access Line Service | II | 0% | 0% |
21461 | 300.3 | Call Forwarding - Wholesale | I | -8% | I-X |
21461 | 401 | Directory Publisher Billing and Collection Service | II | 0% | 0% |
21461 | 404 | Support Structure Service | II | 0% | 0% |
21462 | 203 | Dedicated Access Line Facilities | II | 0% | 0% |
21462 | 205 | Payphone per Call Compensation | I | -8% | I-X |
21462 | 206 | Competitive Payphone Toll-Free Tracking (CPTT) Report Service | II | 0% | 0% |
21462 | 210 | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access to Individual Line Service | II | 0% | 0% |
21462 | 214 | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service excluding ADSL Loop Administration and Support | II | 0% | 0% |
21462 | 214 | ADSL Loop Administration and Support | I | Note 9 | Note 2 |
25721 | 5075 | Public Telephone Access Line | II | 0% | 0% |
Notes to Appendix 1:
- Note 1
- See Part III of this Decision for explicit rates
- Note 2
- 0%: Exempt because the study includes explicit productivity factor
- Note 3
- 0%: Exempt because the rate is for the recovery of service costs
- Note 4
- 0%: Exempt because the ARM discount reflects percentage of uncollectible revenues
- Note 5
- 0%: Exempt because the charges are flow-through charges passed on to carriers
- Note 6
- 0%: Exempt because the rate did not include a mark-up
- Note 7
- 0%: Exempt because the rate refers to other tariff items
- Note 8
- 0%: Exempt because the charge is based on a labour rate
- Note 9
- 0%: Exempt because the charge reflects a 15% mark-up
- Date modified: