Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-10
Ottawa, 28 February 2003
Deferral of relief dates for area codes 613 and 819
Reference: 8698-C12-16/01
The Commission approves deferring the phase one relief date for area codes 613 and 819 from the fourth quarter of 2004 to the fourth quarter of 2006, and suspending phase two relief for area code 613 indefinitely.
On 29 November 2002, the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) ad hoc Numbering Planning Area (NPA) 613 and 819 relief planning committee (the RPC) filed an application requesting that the Commission defer the relief dates established in CRTC issues relief plans for area codes 613 and 819, Order CRTC 2001-841, 28 November 2001 (Order 2001-841). Specifically, the RPC requested that the Commission:
i) defer the implementation of phase one relief (i.e. remove Central Office (CO) code protection in both area codes 613 and 819, split the Ottawa-Hull exchange into two separate exchanges, and implement 10-digit local dialing throughout both area codes) from the fourth quarter of 2004 to the fourth quarter of 2006;
ii) suspend phase two relief (i.e. new area code overlay on area code 613) indefinitely;
iii) direct the Canadian Numbering Administrator (CNA) to monitor and report on the projected exhaust date for area codes 613 and 819 on a semi-annual basis until phase one relief is implemented, and to advise the RPC and the Commission of the survey results so as to enable consideration of further schedule changes as needed; and
iv) direct the CNA to monitor, following implementation of phase one relief, area codes 613 and 819 projected exhaust dates in accordance with the Canadian Numbering Resource Utilization Forecast (NRUF) Guidelines, and to advise the RPC and the Commission when it becomes necessary to establish an area code 613 overlay relief date, and to develop the related relief implementation plan and schedule.
On 23 January 2003, the City of Ottawa filed a letter with the Commission in support of the RPC's application.
Changes to the relief timing for area codes 613 and 819
In its application, the RPC submitted that a review of the CNA's forecasts had confirmed that the projected exhaust dates for area codes 613 and 819 would be significantly later than formerly forecast. The RPC submitted that according to the 2002 forecasts, the exhaust date for area code 613 was August 2015, and for area code 819 it was March 2009. As a result, the RPC proposed delaying the relief dates established by the Commission in Order 2001-841. The RPC recommended that phase one relief be delayed by two years, and that phase two relief be suspended indefinitely.
The Commission notes that section 4.15 of the Canadian NPA Relief Planning Guidelines (the Guidelines) permits the RPC to recommend, via the CISC process, a change to an established relief date if the advancement or deferral of the relief date is significant. The Commission notes that the two NRUF studies conducted in 2002 indicate that the exhaust dates for area codes 613 and 819 upon which relief dates depend in part, are later than formerly forecast. The Commission notes that it is now expected that area code 819 will exhaust in March 2009, 24 months later than the date established in Order 2001-841.
The Commission considers, in regard to area code 613, however, the exhaust date is not so clear. The Commission notes that the 1 May 2002 NRUF projects an exhaust date of December 2013, while the 15 August 2002 NRUF projects an exhaust date of August 2015. The Commission, in view of this difference, considers it appropriate to use September 2014, the mid-point of these two forecasts, as the exhaust date for area code 613 for the purpose of determining relief implementation.
The Commission notes that the Guidelines require that area code relief be implemented 12 to 18 months in advance of the area code exhaust date. The Commission notes that the current dates for relief implementation for area codes 819 and 613 are well in advance of the required 12 to 18 month lead time and considers that such intervals are unnecessary.
The Commission considers that since the exhaust dates for both area codes have been delayed significantly, it is reasonable to delay relief implementation until there is a more urgent need. In view of the revised exhaust dates, the Commission expects that relief would be re-initiated in accordance with the planning period prescribed in the Guidelines.
Accordingly, the Commission approves:
· deferring the phase one relief date from the fourth quarter of 2004 to the fourth quarter of 2006; and
· suspending the phase two relief date indefinitely.
Monitoring NRUF results
In its application, the RPC requested that the CNA be required to monitor and report to the RPC and the CRTC on the projected exhaust of area codes 613 and 819 on a semi-annual basis until phase one relief is implemented, and thereafter to monitor and report on the projected exhaust dates on an annual basis.
The Commission notes that the RPC's request is in accordance with the Canadian NRUF Guidelines for the monitoring and reporting on the projected exhaust dates for area codes. The Commission also notes that once the phase one relief has been implemented in area codes 613 and 819, and with the suspension of the overlay for area code 613, no further relief activities will be required.
Accordingly, the Commission directs the CNA to conduct semi-annual NRUF surveys for area codes 613 and 819 until phase one relief is implemented, after which NRUF surveys will be conducted in accordance with the Canadian NRUF Guidelines.
Secretary General
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