ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2003-92

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Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2003-92

Ottawa, 7 March 2003

Bell ExpressVu Inc., the general partner of Bell ExpressVu Limited Partnership
Toronto, Ontario

Application 2002-0976-9

Change in ownership


The Commission received an application by Bell ExpressVu Inc. (Bell ExpressVu), the general partner in Bell ExpressVu Limited Partnership (BEV LP), for authority to effect change in the ownership and in the effective control of Bell ExpressVu.


BEV LP operates a direct-to-home (DTH) distribution undertaking, a pay-per-view (PPV) undertaking, a DTH PPV undertaking and a satellite relay distribution undertaking.


The proposed change in the ownership and in the effective control of Bell ExpressVu would be implemented through the transfer of 1,037 common shares (51.85%) from BCE Inc. (BCE) to Bell Canada (Bell). BCE would continue to hold an ownership interest of 48.15% in Bell ExpressVu.


The Commission notes that the proposed change of ownership would have no impact on the ultimate control of Bell ExpressVu because the ultimate control would remain with BCE.


The Commission approves the application for a change in the ownership and in the effective control of Bell ExpressVu.


The Commission will modify its ownership records accordingly.

Secretary General

This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site:

Date Modified:  2003-03-07

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