Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2003-519
Ottawa, 23 October 2003
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Montréal, Quebec
Application 2003-0247-2
Experimental broadcasting on the secondary channel of the digital radio station associated with CBF-FM Montreal
The application
The Commission received an application from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) to rebroadcast, on the secondary channel of the digital radio station associated with CBF-FM Montreal, looped information from the main channel. CBF-FM broadcasts the programming of the La Première Chaîne. Specifically, the CBC stated that it wanted to rebroadcast weather, traffic and news programming on its secondary channel seconds after its original broadcast on the main channel.
In Operation of new transitional digital radio undertakings in Montréal, Decision CRTC 98-498, 19 November 1998, (Decision 98-498), which approved the CBC application to operate a digital radio undertaking, the Commission imposed a condition of licence stipulating that the undertaking not use the ancillary capacity of the digital radio signal to provide services that constitute programming under the Broadcasting Act unless otherwise authorized by the Commission. In its application, the CBC submitted that the proposed service was not a new programming service. The CBC confirmed that the secondary channel would only broadcast time-delayed program segments from the main channel.
Also, A Policy to Govern the Introduction of Digital Radio, Public Notice CRTC 1995-184, 29 September 1995 (Public Notice 1995-184), stipulated that the Commission would expect broadcasters to ensure that the main programming signal of a digital radio undertaking is not noticeably degraded by the shifting of capacity from it to ancillary services. On this point, the CBC indicated that the primary objective of the digital radio station associated with CBF-FM was to maintain CD-quality audio for its primary programming and to provide its listeners with the innovative digital services to which they are entitled.
The Commission's analysis and determination
Following its analysis, the Commission finds that the service that the CBC proposed to offer on the secondary channel of the digital radio station associated with CBF-FM is a programming service that requires Commission approval.
The Commission notes that the secondary channel programming would consist of programming entirely from the main channel of the digital radio station associated with CBF-FM, and that the present application essentially consists of a proposal for a 12-month experimental period. The Commission is of the view that this new service would only have a minor impact on other licensees. In light of the above, the Commission approves the CBC application to rebroadcast looped programming from the main channel on the secondary channel of the digital radio station associated with CBF-FM on condition that the licensee complies with the following:
Rebroadcasts on the secondary channel shall be limited to content coming directly from audio segments already produced and broadcast on the main channel, for a period not exceeding twelve months. Permanent use of the secondary channel would require the filing of a new application.
As it stated in Public Notice 1995-184 and Decision 98-498, the Commission reiterates that it expects broadcasters to ensure that the main programming signal of a digital radio undertaking is not noticeably degraded by the shifting of capacity from it to ancillary services.
Secretary General
This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site: www.crtc.gc.ca