Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2003-209
Ottawa, 3 July 2003
Craig Broadcast Systems Inc., now known as Manalta Investment Company Ltd., on behalf of Craig Media Inc.
Brandon, Foxwarren, Melita, McCreary and Portage La Prairie/Winnipeg, Manitoba
Applications 2002-0619-5 and 2002-0620-3
Public Hearing at Québec, Quebec
8 April 2003
Acquisition of assets
The Commission approves the applications by Craig Broadcast Systems Inc. (Craig) on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated by way of a proposed amalgamation of Craig Broadcast Alberta Inc. (Craig Alberta) and 4046358 Canada Ltd. (Craig 358). The applications were for authority to acquire from Craig the assets of television stations CKX-TV Brandon and its transmitters, and CHMI-TV Portage La Prairie/Winnipeg (the Manitoba stations). The applicant also requested broadcasting licences to continue the operations of CKX-TV and CHMI-TV.
The Commission did not receive any interventions in connection with these applications.
In Intracorporate reorganization of the Craig group of corporations, Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2003-66, 21 February 2003 (Decision 2003-66), the Commission approved an intracorporate reorganization intended to consolidate the holdings of John Drew Craig, Stuart Miles Craig and Thomas Boyd Craig (the Craig family). The purpose of the reorganization was:
- to have all Craig multipoint distribution system undertakings controlled by a new wholly-owned Craig corporation (Craig Wireless Systems Inc.); and
- to have all Craig programming undertakings (conventional television and specialty television services) owned and controlled by another new wholly-owned Craig subsidiary-referred to as "New AlbertaCo" in Decision 2003-66.
As part of the reorganization, Craig proposed to transfer the assets of the Manitoba stations from Craig to a newly formed corporation that would result from the amalgamation of Craig Alberta and Craig 358 under a new corporation, identified as "New AlbertaCo".
The Commission notes that, subsequent to the hearing, Craig was amalgamated with Manalta Investment Company Ltd. to form a new company, also known as Manalta Investment Company Ltd. (Manalta). Craig further informed the Commission, on 16 April 2003, that the proposed amalgamation of Craig Alberta and Craig 358 noted above did not take place. Instead, Craig Alberta has been continued under federal jurisdiction, undergone a name change to Craig Media Inc. (Craig Media), and will now be the new licensee for the Manitoba stations.
As a result of the transfers, the licences of all of the Craig family's programming undertakings will be held by Craig Media. The Commission notes that approval of these transactions will not result in any change in the programming of the undertakings and that their ultimate control will remain with the Craig family, via Manalta.
The Commission will issue the licences for CKX-TV and CHMI-TV to Craig Media once the current licences have been surrendered to the Commission. The new licences will expire on 31 August 2009, the current expiry dates, and will each be subject to the same terms and conditions as those in effect under the existing licences.
Secretary General
This decision is to be appended to each licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site: www.crtc.gc.ca