ARCHIVED - Telecom Taxation Order CRTC 2002-5-1

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Telecom Taxation Order CRTC 2002-5-1

Ottawa, 14 November 2002

Costs awarded to Consumers' Association of Canada - Public Notice CRTC 2001-37 - Federal Goods and Services Tax

Reference: 8678-C12-11/01 and 4768-100


In Costs awarded to Consumers' Association of Canada - Public Notice CRTC 2001-37, Telecom Taxation Order CRTC 2002-5, 18 September 2002 (Taxation Order 2002-5), the fees and disbursements submitted by the Consumers' Association of Canada (CAC) were taxed for a total amount payable of $40,566.35, including total disbursements of $4,869.00.


In Taxation Order 2002-5, the amounts allowed for disbursements did not include the Federal Goods and Services Tax (GST).


Following the issuance of Taxation Order 2002-5, the CAC notified the taxing officer that the amounts for disbursements should have included the GST as it was not entitled to a GST rebate. By letter dated 25 September 2002, the taxing officer advised the CAC and Bell Canada, the costs respondent, that the costs for disbursements in Taxation Order 2002-5 should have included the GST in the amount of $327.39 and invited them to file comments on this matter. No comments were received in response to this letter.


Accordingly, paragraphs 8 and 13 of Taxation Order 2002-5 are hereby replaced with the following:

8. CAC claimed a total of $4,869.00 in disbursements, including $3,301.00 for office expenses, $704.00 for air travel, $135.00 for intra-city taxi, $537.00 for hotel accommodation and $192.00 for meals. In addition, the CAC claimed $327.39 to recover the applicable Federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) as CAC is not eligible for a GST rebate. I find these amounts reasonable and will allow them.

13. I hereby tax the fees and disbursements, including GST, where applicable, as follows:

Legal counsel fees

Mr. Wachowich


Analysts fees

Mr. Jodoin


Mr. Merani


Total fees


Total disbursements


Total payable


Taxing officer

Sylvie Jones

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Date Modified: 2002-11-14

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