ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2002-293
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Telecom Order CRTC 2002-293 |
Ottawa, 17 July 2002 |
TELUS Communications Inc. |
Directory Specials option |
1. |
The Commission received an application by TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), dated 22 May 2002, to revise the former TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc. General Tariff item 145, Directory Listings, in order to withdraw the Directory Specials option offered to customers in the British Columbia serving territory and to align this tariff item with the equivalent tariff item for the TCI's Alberta serving territory. |
2. |
TCI noted that the Directory Specials option assures inclusion of a listing in the next white and yellow page telephone directory publication when a British Columbia customer places an installation order prior to the directory publication cut-off date, and service installation is scheduled to be completed after the cut-off date but before the directory printing date. |
3. |
The company also noted that with the sale of TELUS Advertising Services to Verizon Information Services, which has incorporated the business into Dominion Information Services (DIS) Inc., the Company no longer has final control over the publication and issuance of directories and therefore can no longer provide this service option. The Company has received confirmation that Dominion Information Services (DIS) Inc. will continue to provide this option for business customers who are served by TCI or a competitive local exchange carrier. |
4. |
Withdrawal of the Directory Specials option will not affect the inclusion and accessibility of customers' telephone numbers in the Company's Directory Assistance 411 database, whether or not the deadline(s) for the white and yellow directory publications are met. |
5. |
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application. |
6. |
The Commission approves TCI's application. The revisions take effect as of the date of this order. |
Secretary General |
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Date Modified: 2002-07-17
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