ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2002-116
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Telecom Order CRTC 2002-116 |
Ottawa, 4 March 2002 |
9-1-1 Service for the City of Edmonton |
Reference: TCI tariff notice 423 |
1. |
On 4 September 2001, TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) filed tariff notice (TN) 423, requesting approval to modify its General Tariff with the addition of item 280.7, 9-1-1 Service for the City of Edmonton. |
2. |
No comments were received with respect to this application. |
3. |
In 1995, the former TELUS Communications (Edmonton) Inc. (TCEI) and the City of Edmonton signed a letter of agreement for the provision of 9-1-1 service for a ten-year term ending 30 September 2005. The terms and conditions for this service were not included in the former TCEI's tariff. |
4. |
On 1 January 1999, the former TCI, the former TCEI, and certain other subsidiaries of TELUS Corporation amalgamated to form TCI, which provides service throughout Alberta. The amalgamated tariff does not refer to the 9-1-1 service provided to the City of Edmonton. |
5. |
TCI submitted that the proposed tariff item includes all of the applicable terms and conditions for the arrangement as contained in the 1995 letter of agreement. |
6. |
The Commission notes that the proposed tariff item permits the City of Edmonton to manually access the automatic location identification (ALI) database, but does not include all of the safeguards required in other territories. In Telecom Decision CRTC 99-17, 9-1-1 Service - Rates for wireless service providers, Centrex customers and multi-line customers/manual access to the automatic location identification database, dated 29 October 1999, the Commission allowed the incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) that provide provincial 9-1-1 service to provide manual access to the ALI database to municipalities that agreed to adhere to a number of safeguards set out at paragraphs 27, 29 and 30 of the decision. The Commission directed that the ILECs include these safeguards in their standard 9-1-1 agreements with municipalities. |
7. |
To ensure that manual access to the ALI database is provided with appropriate safeguards, the Commission directs TCI to: |
a) file, within 30 days, for the Commission's approval, an agreement with the City of Edmonton for the provision of manual access to the ALI database that includes the safeguards set out in paragraphs 27, 29 and 30 of Decision 99-17 (manual ALI agreement); and | |
b) file, within 30 days, proposed revisions to the tariff to indicate that manual access to the ALI database will be permitted in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the manual ALI agreement. | |
8. |
The Commission approves TN 423, subject to the following modifications: |
a) to indicate that the City of Edmonton is not to manually access the ALI database in the absence of the Decision 99-17 safeguards: | |
b) the note at the end of item 280.7 should read as follows: "This arrangement will remain in effect no later than September 30, 2005." | |
Secretary General |
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Date Modified: 2002-03-04
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