ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2002-105

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Telecom Order CRTC 2002-105

Ottawa, 26 February 2002

TELUS Communications Inc. - Network access tariff for wireless service providers

Reference: TCI tariff notice 456


On 1 November 2001, TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) proposed to introduce a rate for reserved telephone numbers for wireless service providers (WSPs) in Alberta and to apply that rate for telephone numbers used in 100/1000 block routing for trunk-side connections. The company also proposed to amalgamate its Edmonton wireless access tariff with the rest of Alberta.


On 3 December 2001, Rogers Wireless Inc. (RWI) intervened, requesting the Commission to:

  • approve the proposed monthly rates for trunk-side routing of 100- and 1,000-blocks of telephone numbers;
  • direct TCI to explicitly state within item 555.4.10 that in-service telephone number charges do not apply to telephone numbers that are associated with trunk-side interconnection; and
  • direct TCI to explicitly state in item 555.4.5 that, where TCI cannot provide the remaining 100-block(s) within a given 1,000-block, trunk-side routing of 100-blocks of telephone numbers is available for 100-blocks already assigned to WSPs.


TCI replied that the proposed tariff item 555.4.10.c clearly indicates that the charge for in-service telephone numbers only applies to line-side interconnection. With respect to tariff item 555.4.5, TCI stated that the wording of the tariff permits the situation RWI described and that it was therefore unnecessary to amend the item.


The Commission considers that the tariff clearly limits the charge for in-service telephone numbers to line-side interconnection and allows for the conversion of existing line-side telephone numbers to 100-blocks for trunk-side routing if the full 1,000-block is not available to the WSP.


The Commission approves tariff notice 456.

Secretary General

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Date Modified: 2002-02-26

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