ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8638-C12-72/02 - Bell Canada's ServiceImprovement Plan
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LetterOur File: 8638.C12.72/02 Ottawa, 17 December 2002 BY TELECOPIER
Mr. David Palmer Dear Mr. Palmer Subject: Bell Canada's Service Improvement Plan This is further to the company's responses dated 21 November 2002 to the Commission's interrogatories dated 7 November 2002 with respect to Bell Canada's Service Improvement Plan (SIP) dated 18 September 2002. Commission staff has a number of additional interrogatories for Bell Canada (see attached). Bell Canada is to provide responses to the enclosed interrogatories by 31 January 2003, serving copies on all parties. Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document is to be actually received, not merely sent by that date. Yours sincerely,
Scott Hutton
c.c.: Public Notice CRTC 2001-37 List of Interested Parties Attachment Attachment 1: Interrogatories for Bell Canada 101. With reference to the response to interrogatory Bell(CRTC)7Nov02-5, Attachment 1, page 1 of 1, provide a detailed description and justification for the expenses for Other (Other includes Network and New Technology Training) for the years 2000< to 2005 inclusive.102. With reference to the response to interrogatory Bell(CRTC)7Nov02-7: 103. With reference to TELUS' revised SIP dated 13 September 2002 and response to Commission interrogatories dated 13 November 2002, TELUS appears to treat the customer's contribution of $1,000 in a different manner than does Bell Canada when calculating the total capital expenditures of its SIP. Provide the company's comments on TELUS' treatment and provide the company's suggestion for the plan that should be used by both Bell Canada and TELUS for consistency. 104. With reference to the response to interrogatory Bell(CRTC)7Nov02-10, provide detailed information and calculations to support the amounts of $2.7 million for Annual Equivalent Cost (AEC) recovery beyond the price cap period and $8.87 million for AEC recovery within the price cap period. 105. With reference to the response to interrogatory Bell(CRTC)7Nov02-9, Attachment 2, provide a detailed explanation of how maintenance expense is developed by Band. 106. With reference to the response to interrogatory Bell(CRTC)7Nov02-9, Attachment 2, provide complete input details of the economic studies by Band, including all input financial parameters, capital and expense cash flows, capital parameters, and increase and productivity factors. Also, provide the complete output results of the economic studies by Band. 107. With reference to the response to interrogatory Bell(CRTC)7Nov02-9, indicate whether the costs for the underserved portion of the SIP (Internet access projects) are included in the Phase II cost study, Attachment 2. If so, provide the details. If not, indicate how Bell Canada plans on recovering these costs and provide the appropriate cost study.
108. With reference to the response to interrogatory Bell(CRTC)7Nov02-9, Attachment 2: a) identify what is included in Expenses causal to demand - Sales Management and Other; and109. With reference to the response to interrogatory Bell(CRTC)7Nov02-9, Attachment 2, identify by cost category in the same format as Attachment 2 those costs that would be expected to be recovered beyond the SIP period. 110. With reference to the response to interrogatory Bell(CRTC)7Nov02-9, Attachment 2, and Attachment C of the SIP dated 18 September 2002, given that (a) the decrease in residence Network Access Services (NAS) to be served in most Bands and (b) most expenses causal to demand show similar decreases, explain why Sales Management remains relatively unchanged.
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