ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8661-R11-02/01 - Rogers Wireless Inc. PartVII regarding wireless line-side interconnection rates in the territories of theIndependent Telephone Companies in Ontario and Quebec

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File #: 8661-R11-02/01

Ottawa, 4 October 2002

By Telecopier

To: All Independent Telephone Companies in Ontario and Quebec

Re: Rogers Wireless Inc. Part VII regarding wireless line-side interconnection rates in the territories of the Independent Telephone Companies in Ontario and Quebec

The company is asked to provide responses to the attached questions by 4 November 2002.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by Shirley Soehn

Shirley Soehn
Executive Director,


Attachment 1

  1. In respect of the company's line-side Wireless Access Service (WAS) rates, for each; telephone number-active, telephone number-reserved, and network channel service by channel grouping, provide the annual revenues and associated demand for each of the years 2000, 2001 and 2002 (forecast), split between subsidiary/affiliate/in-house wireless services provider(specify type and identify company) and other wireless service providers.
  2. Provide the estimated annual revenue impact associated with the line-side wireless access services identified below, based on current in-service actuals, in the event that the current rates are changed to the following:
    1. Telephone number active rate of $0.14 per month per number
    2. Telephone number reserved rate of $0.04 per month per number
    3. Network channel rates by channel grouping :
      1. Each channel up to 12 channels $5.00 per month.
      2. Each channel up to 24 channels $8.75 per month
      3. Each channel up to 36 channels $11.25 per month.
      4. Each channel up to 48 channels $11.25 per month.
      5. Each channel up to 60 channels $12.50 per month
      6. Each channel up to 72 channels $12.50 per month.
      7. Each channel up to 84 channels $12.50 per month.
      8. Each channel > 84 channels $13.75 per month.
  3. Provide the annual revenue associated with trunk-side wireless access service, for each of the years 2000, 2001 and 2002(forecast).
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