ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 88638-C12-46/01 - The meeting of the BMTCommittee tentatively planned for August is cancelled

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Ottawa, 13 August 2002


Dear Committee members,

1. Next meeting
2. Modification to Committee's process
3. Promotion campaign
4. Follow-up on BDRP

1. Next meeting

The meeting of the BMT Committee tentatively planned for August is cancelled. We will communicate a new date for the meeting as soon as possible. The next meeting will likely not take place before mid-October.

2. Modification to Committee's process

We propose that the Committee discuss at the next meeting the format and purpose of minutes that members would like in the future. Also draft changes to the Committee's guidelines will be circulated prior to the next meeting.

Proposed modifications will include:

Parties to take turns in drafting minutes.

Parties will be required to produce issue papers on agenda items prior to meetings.

We suggest these modifications in the hope that they will assist in having the minutes finalised more rapidly and will enhance the overall efficiency of the Committee.

3. Promotion campaign

As reported at the meeting of 17 June 2002, we are ready to proceed with this action item and to contact provincial and federal departments and agencies responsible for the administration of certain income security programs.

We need your assistance to create a list of contact persons in provincial departments and agencies. Aliant has provided the CRTC with this information. Other Committee members gave a list of departments and provincial agencies in June 2001 but did not include information on who they have already contacted or who we could contact. Could Bell (Québec and Ontario), MTS (Manitoba), TELUS (Alberta and BC.) and NWTel (North West Territories, Nunavut and Yukon) please send us this information by 27 August 2002 ? We will contact Sasktel to discuss how to proceed for Saskatchewan.

4. Follow-up on BDRP

At the meeting of 17th June 2002, ILECs indicated that they would provide their views at the next meeting on the proposal by Union des Consommateurs pertaining to a pilot project on debt repayment (BDRP). The meeting now being cancelled, could ILECs please submit their views in writing no later than 27 August 2002.

Thank you for your assistance,

Philippe Tousignant
BMT Committee Chair
Président, Comité OGEC
CRTC - Télécom

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