ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8623-C12-02/02 - Monitoring the CanadianTelecommunications Industry - 2002 Survey

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Our File Number: 8623-C12-02/02

Ottawa, 13 June 2002


Re: Monitoring the Canadian Telecommunications Industry - 2002 Survey

On 7 May 2002, a letter was issued to, among others, the members of the Association des Compagnies de Téléphone du Québec (ACTQ), the Ontario Telecommunications Association (OTA) and the Canadian Alliance of Publicly-Owned Telecommunications Systems (CAPTS) requesting that they participate and co-operate in the CRTC 2002 Telecommunications survey.

Survey participants were requested to complete the first four forms (Preliminary Forms) by 17 May 2002 and to inform the Commission by 21 May 2002 whether it would be possible for them to provide their responses to the remaining forms (Main Forms) by 21 June 2002.

The Commission has received letters from the ACTQ (17 May 2002), the OTA (21 May 2002) and CAPTS (27 May 2002) requesting that their members, with the exception of Thunder Bay Telephone, be exempt from being required to complete the survey forms. In addition, the OTA and CAPTS have requested a similar exemption for future years.

The organizations argued, among other things, that the survey forms are primarily directed towards the competitive aspects of the telecommunications industry and that their information would not be statistically significant enough to affect the industry reporting.

It is noted that the objective of the 2002 survey is to monitor the telecommunications industry in Canada, and that an examination of the state of competition in the industry is just one aspect of this objective. As such, the participation of the members of the ACTQ, the OTA and CAPTS in the 2002 survey is necessary to ensure full and complete financial and statistical industry data.

It is noted that by letter dated 13 June 2002, the filing date for completion of the Main Forms has been extended by one month to 22 July 2002. Further, it is unlikely that all the forms will be applicable to your members. Accordingly, this extension should alleviate any concerns your members may have with respect to the filing date. However, Commission staff are mindful of your concerns and they will make themselves available to assist your members in resolving any issues arising from the survey forms. To this end, please don't hesitate to call Mr. Peter Wilson at 819-953-5584.

Considering the above, members of the ACTQ, the OTA and CAPTS are to file their Preliminary Forms no later that 27 June 2002 and their Final Forms no later than 22 July 2002.

Yours sincerely,

Shirley Soehn
Executive Director

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