ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8623-C12-02/02 - Monitoring the CanadianTelecommunications Industry - 2002 Survey

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Our File Number: 8623-C12-02/02

Ottawa, 13 June 2002

To: Company List

Re: Monitoring the Canadian Telecommunications Industry - 2002 Survey

On 7 May 2002, organizations offering telecommunications services in Canada were sent a survey requesting various financial and statistical data regarding the Canadian telecommunications industry. In that letter, the companies were requested to complete the survey forms by 21 June 2002.

Many of the organizations have indicated that it would be extremely difficulty for them to meet this filing date. As a result of the industry's calls to our hotline and messages to Telinfo, it is recognized that additional time may be required to adequately complete the survey forms. In light of this, the 21 June 2002 filing date is being extended to 22 July 2002.

As noted in the 21 June 2002 letter, where possible, the survey forms are to be completed electronically entering your company's reference number on each form. All completed forms are to be received, not merely sent, by the above date.

It is also noted that pursuant to s.39 of the Telecommunications Act, survey respondents may claim confidentiality for particular information submitted as part of the survey response, supported by detailed submissions addressing why the specific direct harm outweighs the public interest in disclosure.

Yours sincerely,

Shirley Soehn
Executive Director
Survey hot-line (819) 997-4597

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