ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8660-C12-07/02- Show Cause re quality ofservice regulation

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Ottawa, 29 April 2002

Saskatchewan Telecommunications
121 Saskatchewan Drive
12th Floor
Regina, SK S4P 3Y2

Reference: 8660-C12-07/02

Subject: Show Cause re quality of service regulation

In SaskTel - Transition to federal regulation, Decision CRTC 2000-150, 9 May 2000, the Commission approved a transitional regulatory framework for Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) to subject SaskTel to federal regulation.

The Commission is of the preliminary view that SaskTel should be required to maintain and report on the same quality of service indicators and be subject to the same conditions as the other incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) under Commission jurisdiction. With respect to quality of service, the Commission directs SaskTel to show cause by 31 May 2002, why it should not:

  1. maintain the existing quality of service standards adopted in the following decisions:
  • Final standards for quality of service indicators for use in telephone company regulation and other related matters, Decision CRTC 200024, 20 January 2000;
  • CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies, Decision CRTC 2001217, 9April 2001;
  • CISC recommended competition-related Quality of Service indicators - Follow up to Decision CRTC 2001217, Decision CRTC 2001366, 20 June 2001; and
  • Commission decision regarding show cause, application to review and vary and application to stay, for indicators 1.5 and 2.5 in Decision CRTC 2001217, Decision CRTC 2001375, 29 June 2001; and
  1. be subject to the same reporting requirements as the other ILECs as set out in the above noted decisions.

At the same time, SaskTel is to serve a copy of its submission on all interested parties to Public Notice 2000-24 and Public Notice 2001-17.

Interested parties may file comments with the Commission by 10 June 2002 serving a copy on SaskTel. SaskTel may file reply comments by 17 June 2002.

Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, not merely sent, by that date.

Yours sincerely,


Ursula Menke
Secretary General

cc. Interested Parties, PN 2000-24
Interested Parties, Dcn 2001-217

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