ARCHIVED - Broadcasting - Commission Letter to C. Bell

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Ottawa, 15 April 2002

Charlotte Bell
Vice-President, Regulatory Affairs
Global Television Network
81 Barber Greene Road
Toronto, Ontario
M3C 2A2

Re: Annual Report Pursuant to Decision CRTC 2000-221

Dear Ms. Bell:

This is to acknowledge that the Commission accepts CanWest Global's first annual report filed 19 December 2001 pursuant to Acquisition by CanWest Global Communications Corp., through its wholly-owned subsidiary CW Shareholdings Inc., of the ownership interests held previously by WIC Western International Communications Ltd. in various conventional television stations and in certain other broadcasting undertakings, Decision CRTC 2000-221, 6 July 2000, and the additional information filed in the letters dated 13 February 2002 and 8 March 2002.

The Commission notes that any references made by CanWest Global to "fiscal year" in their filings are understood to be synonymous with the broadcast year. As defined in the Television Broadcasting Regulations, 1987, "broadcast year, in respect of a licensee, means the total number of hours devoted by the licensee to broadcasting during the aggregate of the broadcast months in a 12 month period, beginning on September 1 in any year".

The annual report and related correspondence will be placed on Global's public examination file.

Yours sincerely,

Ursula Menke
Secretary General

Date Modified: 2002-04-15

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