ARCHIVED - Broadcasting - Commission Letter to J. Cassaday
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Ottawa, 8 February 2002
Mr. John Cassaday Dear Mr. Cassaday: In a letter dated 23 November 2001, Jean-Pierre Blais, Executive Director, Broadcasting requested that Corus provide the Commission with a detailed explanation of how it intends to honour all of its commitments in relation to the acquisition of WTN. The letter pointed out that, in Decision 2001-702, the Commission noted WTN's long standing presence in Western Canada and encouraged Corus to maintain and build on WTN's orientation as a Western-based service. In your 26 November 2001 reply, you provided additional details on Corus' presence in Western Canada. Specifically, your letter provided information on Corus' relationship with Western-based producers and emphasised your confidence that it will benefit WTN. The Commission notes Corus' intention to maintain WTN's orientation as a Western-based service notwithstanding the closure of the Winnipeg office. We look forward to continuing to hear about your activities and initiatives designed to enhance WTN's presence in Western Canada on an ongoing basis. Yours sincerely,
Ursula Menke Date Modified: 2002-02-08 |
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