ARCHIVED - Broadcasting - Commission Letter to C. Coe
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Ottawa, 1 February 2002
Ms. Corrie Coe Re: CTV Annual Report for Year 1 of Benefits Pursuant to Decision 2000-747Ms. Coe: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your annual report for Year 1 of the benefits period provided in Decision CRTC 2000-747, and to request clarification on a few matters. Specifically, please respond to the following questions: Incremental Priority Programming In Schedules 1 and 3 of your annual report, you list priority programs that have appeared on the CTV network schedule in the 2000/01 broadcast year. Schedule 1 lists priority programs that made up the base level of priority programming. Schedule 3 provides a list of the priority programs considered incremental to the base established in Schedule 1. We note that there is one program, "Sonic Temple", that appears in both Schedule 1 and Schedule 3. Further, this program is listed as a "repeat" program in the base level list of Schedule 1, and not as a repeat in Schedule 3. This raises the possible perception that original episodes of Sonic Temple are being claimed as incremental, while the repeat broadcasts of those same episodes are counting against the base level. While we expect that the two different references to the same program title may be the result of episodes from different seasons of the same program, please clarify this possible contradiction. Interactive Television (ITV) At paragraph 36 of Decision CRTC 2000-747, the Commission required that CTV, in addition to providing a record of its spending on iTV activities as they relate to the incremental priority programming benefits, include a description of its iTV activities as part of its annual reporting on benefits. This information should be filed with the Commission no later than 11 February 2002. Sincerely,
Jean-Pierre Blais |
Date Modified: 2002-02-01
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