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Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-19

Ottawa, 11 April 2002

Bell Canada - Access services tariff for interconnection with other service providers

Reference: Tariff notice 6639



The billed number screening (BNS) database identifies telephone numbers of end customers of local exchange carriers (LECs) and wireless service providers (WSPs) to which bill-to-third party or collect message toll charges should not be billed.


BNS database access service allows LECs and WSPs to list such numbers in the BNS database. Bell Canada currently provides the BNS database access service on behalf of former Stentor members, including TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI). Interexchange carriers (IXCs) that use interconnecting circuits with trunk-side access can use a common channel signalling 7 (CCS7) message to query or "dip into" the BNS database to determine if such restrictions have been placed on the called number.

The application


On 10 December 2001, Bell Canada filed an application proposing tariff amendments to its Access Services Tariff for Interconnection with Other Service Providers in order to:

a) remove the geographical restrictions that currently apply to Bell Canada's BNS database service to indicate that the service will be offered on a national basis;
b) modify Bell Canada's Local Number Portability-10 Digit Global Title Translation service to support BNS queries; and
c) allow transit of Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) messages related to response messages from TCI's BNS database to an interexchange carrier.

Comments by the parties


On 10 January 2002, TCI noted that it supported Bell Canada's proposal. However, TCI submitted that the proposed monthly rate, to be charged to a LEC using CCS7 transit service to return BNS response messages to IXCs that are connected to Bell Canada's CCS7 network, was too high. TCI stated that it expects that the number of such transited BNS messages would be very low compared to the volume of CCS7 messages that could be transited under the existing basic CCS7 transit service. TCI asked the Commission to examine the issue and set a rate for the BNS service that reflects the volume of CCS7 messages and the costs expected for this service.


TCI noted that the proposed tariff amendments stated that, for each incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) territory in which the LEC customers operate, a LEC would be required to subscribe for each of its customers that use the CCS7 transit service in order to connect to TCI's BNS database. TCI submitted that Bell Canada should clarify the definition of "ILEC territory" in the context of the amalgamation of telephone companies in Atlantic Canada, and the expansion of toll competition to include independent LECs.


On 28 January 2002, in reply, Bell Canada submitted that the proposed changes to its existing CCS7 transit service would provide for an arrangement whereby TCI and an IXC subscribing to TCI's BNS database access service could transit BNS response messages via Bell Canada's CCS7 network. This arrangement would serve as an alternative to using direct CCS7 network interconnection arrangements between TCI and the IXC. Bell Canada submitted that only IXCs that support collect and bill-to-third party calling would require the BNS database access service.


Bell Canada submitted that TCI did not provide any evidence that would support a separate and distinct tariff element that would be applicable only for transiting of BNS messages to IXCs.


Bell Canada also submitted that the term "ILEC territory" continues to be appropriate for the purpose of defining the terms and conditions of its CCS7 transit services.

Commission findings and determinations


The Commission notes that in Bell Canada's proposed tariff, monthly charges for the transiting of BNS messages would be applied to a LEC for each customer and for each ILEC territory in which the LEC's customers operate. The Commission also notes that this is the same method that applies to charges in the approved tariff for Bell Canada's CCS7 transit service.


The Commission considers that the expressions "per ILEC territory" or "for each ILEC territory" means the territory served by each ILEC at the time that the rates are applied.


The Commission notes that at paragraph 42 of CRTC sets final rates for payphone access lines, Order CRTC 2000-858, 15 September 2000, the Commission stated the following: "In light of the break up of the Stentor alliance, the Commission is of the preliminary view that the current arrangements and the proposed rate structure may no longer be appropriate. In light of these concerns, the Commission will keep the rates interim at this time for BNS database service."


The Commission also notes that the pricing of Competitor Services, which include the BNS database access service, was an issue in the proceeding initiated by Price cap review and related issues, Public Notice CRTC 2001-37, 13 March 2001. The pricing of Competitor Services will be addressed in the decision in that proceeding.


The Commission considers that it is appropriate to grant approval of the proposed tariff revisions. However, given remaining unresolved issues concerning the rate structure of the BNS database access service, the Commission approves these tariffs on an interim basis, effective as of the date of this decision.

Secretary General

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Date Modified: 2002-04-11

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