ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2002-80
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Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2002-80 |
Ottawa, 28 March 2002 |
Astral Broadcasting Group Inc. |
Applications 2001-1156-8; 2001-1157-6 |
Transfer of assets of Canal Vie and Canal Z - Intracorporate reorganization |
1. |
The Commission approves the applications by Astral Broadcasting Group Inc. for authority to acquire the assets of the national, French-language specialty television services known as Canal Vie and Canal Z, and for broadcasting licences to continue the operation of these undertakings. |
2. |
The Commission received no interventions in connection with these applications. |
3. |
Astral Broadcasting Group Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Astral Media Inc., as is the current licensee of Canal Vie and Canal Z, Astral Radio Inc. The transaction thus constitutes an intracorporate reorganization having no impact on the ultimate ownership or management of the two undertakings. |
4. |
The Commission will issue licences to the applicant upon surrender of the current licences. The new licences will expire 31 August 2003 in the case of Canal Vie, and 31 August 2005 in the case of Canal Z. These dates correspond with the expiry dates of the current licences. The new licences will also be subject to the same terms and conditions as those in effect under the current licences. |
Secretary General |
This decision is to be appended to each licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site: |
1 The terms and conditions that apply to Canal Vie are set out in Le Canal Vie - Approved, Decision CRTC 96-613, 4 September 1996, as amended by Licence amendment for "Le Canal Vie", Decision CRTC 98-90, 20 March 1998 and Amendments to licences of specialty and pay television services to reflect revised program categories; Denial of other changes proposed by licensees, Decision CRTC 2001-215, 6 April 2001.
The terms and conditions that apply to Canal Z are set out in Radiomutuel inc. - Canal Z, Decision CRTC 99-110, 21 May 1999, as amended by Amendments to licences of specialty and pay television services to reflect revised program categories, Decision CRTC 2001-214, 6 April 2001 and Licence amendment for Canal Z, Decision CRTC 2001-706, 2 November 2001. |
Date Modified: 2002-03-28
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