ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2002-418

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Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2002-418

Ottawa, 9 December 2002

Pineridge Broadcasting Inc. (formerly 572047 Ontario Limited)
Cobourg, Ontario

Application 2001-1251-6
Public Hearing in the National Capital Region
6 May 2002

CHUC Cobourg - Technical changes

The Commission approves the application by Pineridge Broadcasting Inc. (formerly 572047 Ontario Limited) to amend its broadcasting licence for the radio programming undertaking CHUC Cobourg, Ontario.

The application


The Commission received an application by Pineridge Broadcasting Inc. (Pineridge) (formerly 572047 Ontario Limited) to amend its broadcasting licence for the radio programming undertaking CHUC Cobourg, Ontario, to change its frequency from 1450 kHz to 1,580 kHz and to increase its transmitter power from 8,000 watts to 10,000 watts during the day, and from 1,000 watts to 10,000 watts during the night.


The licensee stated that the proposed changes would result in a significant increase in the station's night-time "interference-free" service area as well as an improvement in the daytime coverage within its primary market of Northumberland County.



The Commission received an intervention opposing Pineridge's proposal from CHIN Radio. The intervener requested the application be removed from the public hearing agenda and suggested that it should be considered at a future public hearing for the applications the Commission received in response to Call for applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on a radio programming undertaking to serve Toronto, Ontario, Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2001-39-3, 12 February 2001 (Public Notice 2001-39-3), and as amended in Correction to the call for applications for a broadcasting licence to carry on a radio programming undertaking to serve Toronto, Ontario, Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2001-39-4, 4 March 2001.


CHIN Radio indicated that the use of the 1,580 kHz frequency in Cobourg would preclude the possible use of that frequency in Toronto by those licensed under that call for applications.

The applicant's reply


In reply, Pineridge submitted that the use of the 1,580 kHz frequency did not remove a prime frequency from the consideration of potential new AM services in Toronto because there are numerous alternatives superior to 1,580 kHz. To support its position, the applicant made reference to a 17 April 2001 report by the Department of Industry (the Department) on AM possibilities in the Greater Toronto area where the Department stated that of 17 possible frequencies, 9 frequencies offered better potential day and night coverage than 1,580 kHz.

The Commission's analysis and conclusion


The Commission notes that of the applications received in response to Public Notice 2001-39-3, none of them proposed use of the 1,580 kHz frequency. The Commission also notes that CHUC is an established presence in the town of Cobourg and most of Northumberland county and its change in frequency and transmitter power will not have any undue adverse impact on that market.


Accordingly, the Commission approves the application to amend the broadcasting licence for CHUC in order to change the station's assigned frequency from 1450 kHz to 1,580 kHz and to increase its transmitter power from 8,000 watts to 10,000 watts during the day and from 1,000 watts to 10,000 watts during the night.

Secretary General

This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site:

Date Modified: 2002-12-09

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